Chapter 1

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Ga On didn't think he'd ever hear that name again. Then again, he knew he had to blame it on Seoul. He hasn't heard his name for those past four years he was away and here he was, first day back, already being asked about him.

Last time he was even in Seoul was during Juk Chang's second trial. After the fight he had with his chief about his methods and Ga On's betrayal, he thought it was high time to get himself out of this mess, so he left. He handed in his resignation the very same day and without looking back, he left. It was a hard decision for him at first, but when he realized that he had nothing left here, he knew that starting fresh would be just the thing for him. After all, Soo Hyun and Elijah were basically the only two people who genuinely cared about him and since he had lost the both of them, he figured there was no point for him to stay in this city.

He was well aware of the mess that was going on at the time he decided to leave, but he figured he wasn't needed there, there was no point for him to get involved if he wasn't on his side anymore and there was no way in hell that he'd ever forgive Ga On for betraying him like that, so leaving really did feel like the best he could do.

Of course professor Min asked him not to go, to stay and help him finish whatever he had started, but Ga On refused. And he felt pretty damn good about it, because he found out later that the professor was on Jung Sun Ah's side and they were plotting something together from the start.

It seemed like leaving Seoul was good for him, getting away from all that mess was definitely what he needed. He moved to Daegu, wanting to be as far away as possible and he found a job teaching at the university. He still wanted to do something concerning law, but he needed a break from being a judge, hence the teaching.

He was notified about the explosion by Jin Joo, who wanted to get away after everything that happened as well. Since she had nothing and no one in Seoul, just like Ga On, she decided to move to Daegu to at least have one friend and Ga On didn't complain, he actually liked having Jin Joo here. And after everything that's happened, he really needed a friend.

Finding out that Yo Han died in the explosion was... unexpected. He never knew what the chief's grand plan was, he never asked, but he definitely didn't think it would be something like that. If he had known the chief planned to die along with those scumbags, he never would have left. He would have stayed and stopped him. And sure, Ga On may have been mad at him about Juk Chang's trial, about him wanting to play god and decide about people's lives, but had he known about his plans- He would have done things differently. He'd gotten so close to the chief in the span of those few months they've worked together, it was really hard for him to find out that he was dead. He died, he basically sacrificed himself so that he could get his revenge and Ga On didn't get to say goodbye. Not really. Not the way he'd want. That's why he grieved so hard, it was like Soo Hyun died all over again, maybe even worse. He missed Yo Han, he grew to like him as a person, which was totally unexpected and he felt sorry for him, for what he went through. He felt sorry that the older wouldn't even get a chance to live a normal life, something he probably never witnessed. And Ga On, well, he felt sad that he'd never get to experience that, the older enjoying his life, living his life. He felt sorry that he'd never see him again.

It's been four years since that incident and Ga On still thought about it every day. He wondered how Elijah was coping with it. He had no way of contacting her, but Ms. Ji told him that Elijah moved abroad to study and that she'd probably never come back. Too bad about that, because Ga On missed her like crazy. He and Elijah had gotten so close that he considered her his younger sister and his heart ached at the thought of her being alone now, with no family, grieving her uncle, the last relative she had left.

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