Chapter 20

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Having Ga On in Switzerland was something Yo Han suspected would happen sooner or later. Ever since the younger found out where he lives, Yo Han knew he would want to come visit. That's one of the reasons he didn't want Ga On to know about Zurich, because he didn't want him to be pushy and invite himself to Yo Han's new home.

But thankfully for the both of them – Yo Han didn't think he was pushy. In fact, he found the whole situation quite amusing. He thought it was interesting that Ga On just couldn't stop thinking about him, that he planned this whole trip even without his permission, but still, made effort to ask Yo Han about it, knowing that Yo Han wouldn't be comfortable with a surprise.

Yo Han really appreciated it. He really liked the fact that Ga On respected his boundaries and lost some of his recklessness and selfishness. He acknowledged Yo Han's feelings and the older was really thankful for it.

He didn't expect the younger to call him so soon, but again, he found it very amusing and it didn't bother him. Yo Han liked the fact that Ga On missed him so much. Truth be told, he missed him as well. Terribly so. He just didn't want to admit it.

Besides that, he feels like he's not angry anymore. He did feel a lot of anger at the beginning, then when he saw Ga On for the first time in four years. But now? He got over it a little, because with time, he understood Ga On more. He realized why the younger did what he did and even though he wasn't fine with it, he completely understood his reasons. Ga On cared about him, he cared enough to want Yo Han to keep being a decent human being. And as much as he appreciates the concern, he knows that he wouldn't have done anything different. He had to deal with the president and his people somehow. He's actually glad that he and Ga On didn't have their feelings figured out yet back then. If they did, things could have been different, and not in a good way.

So, he understands Ga On's reasons now and he also has his forgiveness. It seems like there's not that many things standing in their way now. If they wanted to, they could actually focus on building their relationship somehow. Yo Han is not sure if he wants to though.

Because as much as he loves Ga On, he can't get into a relationship with him while they're on two other ends of the world.

After all, a fourteen hour flight is too long, and Yo Han can't go back to Korea. He can't exactly ask Ga On to leave everything and come live with him either, no matter how much he'd like to do that one day. He can't be selfish like that.

That's why he shouldn't really think about it right now, because it's something that isn't possible, something that probably won't happen, ever. That's why he should focus on other things – like having Ga On here for the next two days. He's not sure how long the younger sleeps now, but it was already way past noon and Yo Han thought that it was high time for breakfast.

Wanting to get a head start, he didn't do much besides washing his face and his teeth before he left his room. Walking through the study to the kitchen, he could already both smell and hear that Ga On beat him to it. The younger was already in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Can't keep you away from the kitchen for long, I see," Yo Han commented, walking over to the side of the kitchen Ga On was cooking at.

"I'm a guest, I wanted to do something nice," Ga On shrugged, looking a bit startled, probably surprised to be caught by Yo Han.

"You're a guest, you shouldn't be doing anything," the older mentioned. "Do you need some help?" Yo Han asked Ga On and the latter shook his head right away, signaling that he didn't. "You want some coffee then?" Yo Han asked, walking over to the coffee machine.

"Sure," Ga On simply said, going back to his cooking. "When did you wake up? Were you in the study to do some work early in the morning? Or read? D-Did you sleep well?" Ga On started asking questions and Yo Han could already see that he was concerned.

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