Chapter 10

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It's a known fact that Yo Han is a pretty calm person that easily controls his emotions. He's very tactful and put together, he doesn't make rash decisions, he always knows what to say, when to speak and when he shouldn't.

Yet apparently when it comes to Kim Ga On, he's a wild card.

He's petty, sure, maybe even a little too much. It's just because he's still angry at Ga On and he sees so many things that the younger man had done wrong and he's so annoyed by all of it, that he just can't help it, he's mean and he knows it, but it's not like he doesn't have the right to be. He does. Or at least he thinks he does.

And to be honest, pointing out that Ga On wasn't a good judge of character wasn't even an insult, it was a fact. It wasn't Yo Han's intention to hurt him in any way, he was simply stating facts. It's not his fault that Ga On felt offended by it. In Yo Han's eyes, he didn't do anything wrong. But then again, Yo Han knew he had problems admitting his mistakes sometimes, because in his opinion, he was right all the time and his actions were always justified, he always made the right call, and he didn't really doubt himself this time as well. He simply pointed out that Ga On wasn't that smart, what's the big deal about it?

He changed his mind quite quickly though, as soon as he saw Ga On, pacing in the study. He was doing circles, clearly stressed and on the verge of crying, taking deep breaths. Yo Han noticed that the younger was not only sad but also angry and he completely understood that. Seeing Ga On like that, Yo Han already knew that he fucked up and he shouldn't have said anything about him, not in front of everyone.

"Kim Ga On," Yo Han spoke to get his attention. He honestly didn't want to come here and talk to Ga On, but he definitely preferred to talk to the younger himself than have In Guk say something he shouldn't, or Elijah.

As soon as Ga On heard him, he turned around in shock. Perhaps he was shocked that Yo Han cared enough to go after him, or he was surprised that someone actually made him go. Ga On stared at him for a while, it seemed like quite a long while, like he didn't know what to say seeing Yo Han again. And when he did speak, it's not something Yo Han was expecting, definitely not with the broken voice Ga On spoke. "Why do you have to be so cruel to me?" He asked, like he actually didn't understand and was concerned about it, desperate to know why the older acted the way he did towards him, wanting to know what Ga On did to deserve such treatment. "I get that you're angry, I get that. But can't you just pretend to be nice for one day? Do you really want to ruin this for Elijah?"

Well, Ga On was right. He was being cruel and he was ruining Elijah's Christmas by doing that, but he just couldn't help it when it came to Ga On. It seems like betrayal hits the most when it's close to home, and well, besides Elijah there wasn't anyone closer to him than Ga On and he knows there never will be.

"It's hard not to be," Yo Han admitted, wanting to be honest. "Cruel. It's hard not to be," he explained quickly, wanting to be frank. It wasn't exactly his intention to be mean to Ga On all the time, but on the other hand, he didn't want to be kind either, thinking that the younger didn't deserve it.

Ga On was still looking at him with that pained expression on his face that made Yo Han just want to run up to him and hug him, but at the same time, he just wanted to disappear. "W-well could you at least try not to be? It hurts," he said with a broken voice and the tears in his eyes finally gave up and rolled down his cheeks.

Now Yo Han definitely wanted to hug him.

But he couldn't. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't. So, he chose to try and be nice, because he couldn't bare seeing Ga On cry right in front of him, because of him. "I didn't mean to offend your friend," he offered.

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