Chapter 5

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Ever since Elijah left, Ga On couldn't stop thinking about the meeting with her, specifically her behavior towards him. He wondered why she's been so kind, yet so guarded around him. One minute she told him how much she missed him and that she wasn't angry with him, and the next, she'd run off, saying that she's been in Korea a whole week and chose to see him last minute. Ga On felt like it was just a way of Elijah telling him that she didn't want to spend more time with him. Because why would she choose to see him right before her flight if she's been in the country for almost a whole week? Ga On thought it must have been a strategic move, she did this on purpose. If they saw each other on Monday, then he'd definitely ask for another meeting. Maybe Elijah was aware of that and since she didn't want to see more of him, she thought that seeing him at the last possible minute would be a great idea.

Ga On didn't think it was a wise move though. He was a little angry at her for doing that, but more so, he was simply hurt. It made him happy that Elijah even wanted to see him and that she still cared about him, but he was hurt that she didn't want to spend more time with him. Then again, he knew it must have been hard for her to see him, so he understood that she probably needed more time before interacting again. But still, he was hurt and he didn't even try to hide it.

The whole week at work was basically torture, because he's been in his head all the time. It didn't help that he wasn't in Daegu anymore, but in Seoul, where everyone basically knew who he was, including his students, which made teaching all the more annoying. That made him question his job a little. Being a professor meant working with lots of people every day and he didn't think he wanted to go through something like that right now, especially since said students were young and very curious and sometimes he just wanted to tell all of them to leave him alone, because he was human too and them asking about the Live Court Show and Yo Han was exhausting and people calling him names was hurtful. He wished he was back in Daegu, where he was anonymous. Ga On liked his students there very much, he liked his life, it was peaceful, maybe a little boring, but at least nobody was attacking him at work every day.

All of that made him think about the show sometimes. If he'd agree to it, he'd have to resign from his position as the professor and go back to the supreme court. It was a bit tempting, he had to admit. In spite of some bad memories, he missed being a judge. That's why he started studying law in the first place, to become a judge, not to teach other people. He missed it, missed being in court, missed preparing for trials with Jin Joo, talking strategies with Yo Han, sitting with the both of them at the bench, giving bad people the punishment they deserved. He liked his job at the supreme court, and although he wasn't really a people-person and was mostly a little shy, he didn't mind being on TV as much as he thought he would. And because he was missing it, he started considering going back, doing it all over again. But of course it wouldn't be the same without Yo Han, that's why he was holding back.

The whole idea of the show was his in the first place, to take it away from him, to do it again, without him, felt wrong. It's like he was betraying Yo Han all over again.

And that's how Ga On's has been doing lately, thinking about Elijah and the show all the time, dealing with annoying students and not sleeping. He didn't even have the will to cook this week, so he and Jin Joo have mostly been going out for dinner.

"Okay Kim Ga On, out with it already. What's going on with you this week?" Jin Joo asked, getting a little impatient with waiting for their food, since she hasn't eaten anything all day.

Ga On looked up at her with his empty eyes, still deep in thought. "Why would she want me to move in?" He said, voicing the one thing he couldn't stop thinking about.

Jin Joo sighed heavily hearing this. "You're still on that? It's been a week," she sent him a look that basically said that he's pathetic.

"I just don't understand," Ga On shrugged. "I don't get why she wants me to move into her house."

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