Chapter 16

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Ga On didn't get too much sleep. Actually, he barely even slept, he might have closed his eyes at some point, for about twenty minutes, but that was about it.

Since he went to Yo Han's room late at night, and then came back to his own bedroom when In Guk interrupted their hug, Ga On couldn't think about anything else, that's why he couldn't fall asleep.

There's a lot of things he has to make right with Yo Han, lots of stuff they need to talk about, but for now, at least for today, Ga On is simply going to forget about the bad things and focus on what's good. And that would be the hug. Their hug when he was too scared to go for it himself, but too desperate not to ask Yo Han for it. The hug when he clung to the older and didn't want to let go, when he felt Yo Han's breath on his neck, smelled his expensive perfume, when Yo Han's hair brushed his neck, making Ga On shiver.

He never thought hugging someone could be this intense. And that made him want more. Ga On has never been this attracted to anyone. While he thought Yo Han was gone, he thought about it a lot and realized that he really liked the older in that way. Seeing Yo Han in the flesh though, was something totally different. It lit a spark inside of Ga On, that yearned for the older man.

Of course he knew he had to suppress it, that it wasn't right to feel this way, because firstly, he needed to work on gaining Yo Han's trust back. He needed to make things right between them, show the older that he was deeply sorry, and that he genuinely cared about him. So, being attracted to Yo Han wasn't really helpful at the moment, and Yo Han was right. He should stop trying to act on it, because he was doing that sometimes, for all the wrong reasons. Ga On knew that initiating some kind of physical contact wouldn't fix anything between them, but he just couldn't help himself at times, it was hard not to touch Yo Han, to reach out to him, hug him. He thought about kissing the older man all the time when he saw him and it was getting really frustrating.

But he needed to get a grip and stop thinking about it, focus on winning back Yo Han's respect, if that was even possible.

Since he didn't get any sleep at all and wasn't about to fall asleep an hour before his alarm, he decided to get out of bed and start on the breakfast, going for something worth more effort, since he had the time. He headed to the kitchen and while he was looking for the ingredients for some soup in the fridge, he realized that this time, he wasn't cooking for four people, but five, or maybe even six. He knew Yo Han stayed, that's for sure. Then there's In Guk, who came into Yo Han's room in the middle of the night. Ga On just assumed that the lawyer must have stayed at the house, so he started preparing food for six people.

The house was absolutely quiet at this time of day, because it wasn't even his usual time to get up and get ready for work. He did however hear footsteps approaching the kitchen, so he turned to the door and waited for whoever woke up so early.

It wasn't really a surprise to him when he noticed Yo Han entering the kitchen in quick steps, barely even registering that there was someone else here. The older man was dressed in a black tracksuit and had really red ears, probably from the cold outside. It didn't take Ga On too long to realize that Yo Han must have gone running. What surprised him though, was that Yo Han's hair was perfectly intact, even though he just came back from probably a few hours of running.

Yo Han came up to the counter to pour himself some water and then looked up at Ga On. "You're up early," the older said, looking around the kitchen, scanning the food Ga On was cooking.

"I didn't sleep that much last night," Ga On admitted with a light shrug, putting the stove on lower heat, so that he wouldn't burn anything while talking to Yo Han. "Did you go for a run so early in the morning? In the snow?" He asked, because for him, it was a bit ridiculous. It was just a bit after four in the morning, and Yo Han already came back, so it made him wonder what time he actually went for that run. Looking at how red his ears were and how cold he must have been, Ga On figured he seriously must have been running for hours, probably thinking about something intently.

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