Chapter 3

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Just like he predicted, Ga On hardly slept tonight. His thoughts kept him awake, because he was overthinking again, creating scenarios of what could happen during his talk with Elijah. He was nervous, more than he had thought he'd be and he didn't understand why. It was no surprise to him that Elijah probably resented him, she couldn't actually shock him with anything she'd say or do, he was ready for everything.

Yet he was nervous.

Last time he was this nervous was when he was walking out of the courtroom to find professor Min so that they could do something to shut down the Live Court Show, as soon as possible. And that was bad kind of nervous, because as much as Ga On had thought he was doing the right thing, deep down inside, he knew that he'd ruin everything by doing it, especially his relationship with Yo Han and Elijah, and everyone else along the way.

He finally decided to get out of bed when the sun rose and he headed to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea, that he took with him to the balcony. Ga On had to admit that he missed living in his house, mainly because of the plants. When he moved to Daegu he couldn't really take all of his possessions with him, so he had to leave most of his plants behind. And moving back to Seoul, to this apartment, wasn't really the best option to start a garden again.

It was quite a small space after all. It's not like him or Jin Joo could actually afford anything bigger than that in the middle of Seoul, but they didn't complain, it was a great place. They still had their own rooms and quite a nice kitchen, which Ga On really appreciated. The balcony though, well, it was tiny. He could barely fit two pots of plants there and a single chair. That really made him miss his old place, especially since he had a pretty big patio there and lots of space for his green friends and more than one chair.

He ended up spending around two hours on that balcony, to the point that he started shivering from the cold autumn air, and when he noticed that he didn't have much time left, he headed inside to get dressed.

Just as he was walking out of the bathroom, washed and dressed in fresh clothes, he saw Jin Joo walking out of her room. He envied her that she got to sleep in on a Saturday, mostly because he didn't sleep at all last night and he could really use some sleep now.

"Oh good, you haven't left yet," Jin Joo spoke to him with a sleepy voice. "I wanted to wish you luck, seems like you're going to need it," she added and squeezed his arm briefly in comfort.

Of course he'd need it. Anyone who knew Elijah or has heard of her, knew that she was a force to be reckoned with. Whether she was angry at him or annoyed, or actually came in peace, Ga On knew not to underestimate her.

"I don't know when I'll be back," he admitted, realizing that he had no idea what they were doing today. He could come home in a few hours or just few minutes.

"Take your time," Jin Joo shrugged, smiling at him.

If anything goes wrong with Elijah, at least Ga On knows he has someone to come home to, a best friend who's going to listen to him and comfort him when he cries.


The ride to the Kang house was long and silent. Ga On sat next to lawyer Ko, in the passenger's seat, but they haven't uttered a word to each other, besides a simple greeting as soon as Ga On entered the car. And maybe it was better this way. Talking was unnecessary, it's not like Ga On even had anything relevant to say.

He still didn't make a decision about the Live Court Show. It's only been a day and he spent all that time thinking about his encounter with Elijah, so he kind of forgot about that. He knew that Jin Joo must have thought about it though, he was sure she could have been up all night thinking about the show, thinking how she could convince him to take part in it. Because Ga On saw the spark in her eyes while they were talking about it. She was not only smart and charming, she was born to be a leader, to be the voice of people, to help others, to be in the spotlight. Ga On was well aware that this job was made for Jin Joo, he'd even suggest that if they'd go through with it, she should be the main judge. A strong female lead at the centre and her two helpers on her right and her left. Ga On would be completely fine with that. It's not like he wanted to be in the spotlight, he'd gladly leave it for his best friend. She deserved it and she wanted it, unlike him.

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