Chapter 12

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Considering the fact that they were living in Elijah's house now, Ga On and Jin Joo have been bringing their work stuff home for the past week. As usual, they had lots of things to do, lots of cases to review, and they didn't exactly want to abandon Elijah and make her stay at home all by herself all the time, so they just brought the papers with them as soon as they were off the clock.

Of course living with Elijah meant that Ga On was cooking every day, which didn't bother him that much, since he actually loved doing it, and seeing Elijah's smile every time she ate made him even more determined to continue doing it.

They've been spending a lot of time at home together, the four of them. Living here meant constant meals at the table, long night talks and game nights, sometimes with So Yoon and In Guk as well. Ga On had to admit that he loved every minute of being here and he's really going to miss it when Elijah leaves, which he's hoping won't happen anytime soon.

"We picked so many good cases, that I don't know which we should take next," Jin Joo said, sighing in frustration.

They did pick a lot of interesting cases and they needed to set things up for another trial, which was supposed to happen this month, but they didn't know where they should start. New year meant a fresh start and they really needed to think about their trials more seriously.

"I'd say it'd be better to get innocent people out of prison first," Ms. Ji spoke. She's been helping Ga On with cooking all this time, though she wasn't doing the actual cooking, she's just been cutting vegetables and all that stuff, just to stay on the safe side. "But it would be good to also take care of all the creeps running around."

"Exactly!" Jin Joo exclaimed. "Maybe we should do two cases a month? One from each pile," she said, looking at Ga On, who just turned around to look at her.

"That's smart," Elijah pointed out. She was sitting next to Jin Joo at the kitchen table with her own laptop, working on something. Ga On found out a few days ago that Elijah has been working for a few month now at some IT company in the US, and since all she needed was her computer, she could work wherever she wanted to, be it her new home, or Korea.

"You mean one case every two weeks? Will we be able to do that?" Ga On asked Jin Joo, frowning at her. "It's not just us I'm worried about, but the whole production and- And it's not like Ko In Guk's lawyers are working just in the show. It's too much."

"It's not like In Guk has two lawyers in his law firm, they can handle it. So can we," Jin Joo said. "If we want to fight crime, we need to pick up the tempo a little."

Ga On snorted at that. Of course she'd be determined to go faster, Jin Joo was sometimes too ambitious. "As long as it doesn't mean that we don't do a sloppy job. Every case needs to be taken seriously with utmost care. We don't want people to think that we're speed-rounding their cases because we have some goal to achieve. We're doing this to help those people, we can't rush this, we need to show them we care."

"Of course, that's why you're on the team," Jin Joo nodded at him. "I'm the hardworking one, In Seok is the brain and you're the humanity of it all."

"I totally agree with that, Ga On is definitely not the brain," Elijah commented.

He felt offended by that, just a little. "Not everyone can be as smart as you, Elijah," he pointed out.

"Okay then, I'm going to go get the other pile of files from my room and we'll think of a plan!" Jin Joo spoke with excitement and run out of the kitchen.

Ga On sighed in defeat. He asked Jin Joo to put their work aside for dinner and do it later, but it seems like she's been too conflicted to let this go even for a second. He was about to scold Elijah that she should turn off her laptop as well, because they were just about to eat, but her phone suddenly rung and she got up from the table.

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