Chapter 25

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Ga On was a bit surprised when he opened his eyes and noticed that it wasn't dark outside. He was pretty sure that after Yo Han left his room, he'd sleep for a while and then join everyone later in the evening, but no. It seems like he slept through the whole day, and when he glanced at the clock he realized that it was quite early in the morning.

Another thing than surprised him dearly was seeing Elijah in his room. She was sitting on the couch with a laptop on her lap, probably working. He just didn't understand why she chose to work here. Was she worried about him?

"Elijah," Ga On spoke to get her attention.

She raised her head in alert. "Oh, you're finally up," she said and moved from the couch to sit on his bed. "Took you long enough. Were you that tired? Does it hurt that bad?" She asked.

Well, to be fair, he was tired. His whole body ached, but it was bearable. He did have a few cuts here and there, but nothing too major.

He figured the bruise on his side might sting a little for a few days though.

"I'm okay, Elijah. You don't have to worry about me," he stated.

"Good," she commented. "So we can finally talk without lying to each other."

That made Ga On frown. He didn't understand what he did wrong, but he didn't recall lying to her about anything recently.

"You were never in love with Soo Hyun, were you?" Elijah asked, looking disappointed.

Oh, so that's what she meant.

But if she asked about that, then—

"Do you—" Ga On started, not knowing how to word it in case she didn't know anything. "What makes you think that?" He asked instead.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you?" Elijah asked innocently. "You said you were only ever in love once. So after Yo Han barged into the house worried for your life, I assumed you must have lied to me," she shrugged.

Ga On didn't know what to say to that. He didn't know if she finally figured them out or if she talked to Yo Han, perhaps.

"He told me everything," she said then. "So you can stop pretending already, it makes me sick."

"H-he told you?" Ga On asked with wide eyes. "Oh my god, Elijah. I'm so sorry," he said then, suddenly feeling bad about keeping her in the dark for so long.

"Why are you sorry?" Elijah asked, frowning at him deeply.

"For lying to you. I didn't mean to, I just- I couldn't tell you, Yo Han asked me not to," he explained quickly. "Besides that, I was worried about—"

"My reaction?" She asked, with raised eyebrows, amused. "That's exactly what Yo Han said," she snorted. "You fools," she sighed then, shaking her head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry," Ga On said and she kept looking at him like she didn't understand what was going on. "I'm so sorry about it, Elijah. I-I hope you're not angry at me. It was never my intention to catch any feelings for him, but it just happened, I—"

"Wait, stop," Elijah cut him off. "Are you apologizing to me for having feelings for him?" She asked in disbelief. Ga On just nodded lightly. "Why on earth would you do that?"

Ga On scratched his head, suddenly feeling awkward. "Well, he's your uncle, your family. And I- Well, I kind of barged into your family unexpectedly and I don't know how you feel about that," he explained.

The truth is – as much as Ga On loves Yo Han, he's one hundred percent certain he'd give him up if only Elijah asked. Because she was his family, the most important person for Yo Han. If she had a problem with the two of them being together, Ga On would have to live with that. He'd never want to upset Elijah or inconvenience her.

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