Chapter 6

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They had about a month to prepare for the first show. As soon as Ga On visited lawyer Ko about accepting the position on the show a few weeks ago, he quit being a professor at the university. He came back to the supreme court with Jin Joo and it almost felt like it did four years ago. Except there's been some major renovations at the supreme court over the last four years, following the explosion. All of the office spaces were already rebuilt and the courtroom for the show was apparently supposed to be redone exactly as it was before and it was almost at the finish line.

As for their office space, they all asked for a bigger one, so that the three of them could sit together. And three, meaning that Ga On and Jin Joo wanted to work side by side with the third judge, Jung In Seok. They haven't seen the guy in years and Ga On barely recognized him, because he sure has changed a little. He told them that as soon as lawyer Ko called him about the Live Court Show, he decided to work on his appearance a little, since he was going to be on TV, and Ga On had to admit that it was very noticeable, because judge Jung didn't look like himself at all, being without glasses, with styled hair and a couple pounds less. It seemed like the show must have been pretty important to him, just as it was to Jin Joo, seeing as the both of them were very invested in it.

It's not like it wasn't important to Ga On, it was, he just wasn't one hundred percent convinced doing it was a good idea just yet. He was happy about working with Jin Joo and In Seok, and he was really glad to be back at the supreme court, to work as a judge again. He always loved this job and was genuinely thankful to be back, he was just a little reluctant about doing the show. Mainly because he was scared of the public's opinion, that people would hate him for coming back, that they'd gossip about him not being worthy of being here, that he's a traitor and all that. But besides that, he's incredibly nervous about this first trial that's happening tomorrow, because they're putting Min Jung Ho as the defendant.

From what Ga On knows about the case already – what he was actually allowed to know, is that there's an actual person who came forward and wanted to testify about professor Min's situation, so Ko In Guk reached out to her and decided to represent Min Jung Ho in court. He then went to the prosecution and told them that his client demands to be heard and that they have solid evidence to consider his case again, and that's how everyone decided that it'd be best to put Min Jung Ho on trial in the first Live Court Show.

Ga On's entire job concerning this case was to just be there and listen, hear what the witness actually had to say and pray that the prosecution had some actual solid evidence that would prevent professor Min from being released from prison. He was immensely nervous about that new witness, actually scared that Min Jung Ho could become a free man as of tomorrow, just because someone suddenly decided to come forward. It was an incredibly odd situation and Ga On couldn't wait to meet that witness to figure out why that person would do something to help professor Min.

"Are we sure this is the right first case?" Jin Joo asked all of a sudden. They've all been working the whole day, preparing for everything thoroughly, so that they could kick off the show in the right way. "I mean, don't you think it's too personal for you, Ga On-ah?" She directed the question at Ga On.

But that's the very reason Ga On needed this to be considered for their show, because it was too personal to let other people handle it, and he needed to know who that new witness was. "I'll be fine, Jin Joo," Ga On reassured her.

"I'm more worried about what the people might say," Jung In Seok spoke. "No offense, judge Kim, but you putting judge Min on trial is a little controversial, considering the fact that you helped him shut down the show."

He was right, and of course Ga On knew that. He was expecting people to hate him and he deserved to be hated, if he was being honest. He was a fool to help judge Min shut down the show and betray Yo Han, and he completely understood if people didn't like him because of that, he was even glad to hear how much people hate him, he needed a reminder that he fucked up. It's something he wasn't proud of, especially since he knows it must have messed with Yo Han's plans, which resulted in him dying.

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