Chapter 17

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Another night at the mansion and Yo Han just couldn't bring himself to fall asleep. He told himself that it wasn't normal at all, and that he should either take some sleeping pills or get the hell out of this country. And to be fair, that was part of his plan. He promised to stay until after the trial, and the trial was today. That meant he could go back to Switzerland as soon as this evening, of course only after he makes sure things around here are going to be fine. Precisely, he needs to see Min Jung Ho go back to prison and he needs to make sure that Elijah will be safe here.

Since he didn't sleep, he decided to go for an early run and when he walked into the kitchen to get himself some water, he saw Oh Jin Joo there, eating breakfast. The whole table was full of food, presumably prepped and laid out by Ga On.

"Good morning," Jin Joo said to him, stuffing her face with rice. "I'm really sad I can't join you for a run today, chief, but I have to be at court early," she said.

Of course that was understandable, because she needed to get ready for the trial. "It's fine, judge Oh," he sent her a light smile. "And I'd really appreciate if you could just call me by my name. I'm not your boss anymore."

Jin Joo squinted at him. "Only if you do the same," she proposed.

"We have a deal," he said, amused, and then went to sit right next to her, eager to talk. He figured he could go for that run a little later than planned. "So, I presume Ga On must have woken up quite early today," he noticed, looking around at all the food. He literally made breakfast for everyone.

"He probably couldn't sleep out of nerves," Jin Joo shrugged. "He's already at work."

That surprised Yo Han and he averted his gaze to Jin Joo, frowning. "Already? It's five in the morning," he pointed out. "Does that mean you have no way of going to work, since he took the car himself?" Yo Han asked then.

"I asked In Guk to get me," she said. "I'm not thrilled about the idea and I'm about to insult Ga On because of that. How could he not think of me, huh? We always go to work together!"

Yo Han laughed a little at that. "I guess Ga On thought that In Guk wouldn't have a problem to come pick you up," he said.

Jin Joo squinted at him. "Is there something specific you want to say, Yo Han?" She asked, a bit irritated.

"Clearly there's something going on between you two," he simply said. "It's hard not to notice that he's smitten with you."

Now it was Jin Joo's turn to laugh. "Well, I wish he could be a bit more obvious with it," she sighed. "Nothing is really going on, because he's a little... I don't even know how to describe it. One minute it seems like he's interested in me, the next he's shutting me out and acting like I'm a nobody. I'm not saying that I have any expectations, but I just thought something was going on there. Clearly, I was wrong."

"You know he got a divorce a few years ago," Yo Han said, reminding Jin Joo of it. "To add to that, he lost his daughter. Life hasn't exactly been easy for him, so he probably just needs a little more time. Just give him time, Jin Joo. He seems to really like you, it will all be fine, I'm sure."

And Jin Joo just looked at him for a couple of seconds, listening intently, and then sent him a genuine grateful smile. "Yeah, I'm sure it will," she said. Then she thought of something and hesitated a little, but eventually decided to ask Yo Han something. "Will things between you and Ga On be fine?"

Yo Han stilled, not expecting something like that from her. He knew she was aware of everything and probably very curious, but he didn't think she'd be so straightforward with asking about it. He himself wasn't that comfortable talking about his feelings for Ga On just yet.

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