Chapter 27

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When Ga On opened his eyes slowly, the first thing he saw right in front of him was Kang Yo Han sleeping soundly, and he thought that it must have been the best possible thing to wake up to.

Seeing as the older man was asleep, his head looking comfortable against the pillow facing Ga On, it must have meant that he did actually manage to fall asleep last night.

The thing is, Ga On didn't think it would work.

He just told Yo Han that it might work, that not sleeping alone may chase away the nightmares and—

It seems like it did.

Or at least Ga On hopes so.

Just because Yo Han is asleep now, doesn't mean he has slept through the whole night. But of course one can dream and tease the older man about it later.

Taking the opportunity of being so close to Yo Han, Ga On took a minute to look at the older man carefully. He was still amazed how well Yo Han looked for his age. He obviously had some small, almost non-existent wrinkles here and there, but besides that, his skin was flawless. Ga On took a moment to appreciate his parted lips that reminded him of the taste of their kisses every time he looked at them. And right now, he really wanted to kiss him.

But when he noticed the older man stirring awake, he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, afraid of Yo Han's reaction when he wakes up.

Ga On didn't know what to expect from him, he thought Yo Han might be surprised or embarrassed and Ga On is pretty sure he's going to open his eyes and leave the room as soon as possible.

That's why he preferred to close his eyes, to save himself the pain of seeing Yo Han confused about this whole thing.

But then a minute passed. And another.

He was pretty sure Yo Han must have been awake and he literally felt his eyes on his face and it took another minute for the older man to touch the skin of his face lightly. He brushed his fingers over Ga On's cheek oh so softly and Ga On almost melted then. And when he felt Yo Han push his hair away from his face, he thought it was the perfect timing to open his eyes.

When he did that, he noticed slight shock all over Yo Han's face, but thankfully it was short-lived. The older man smiled at him and Ga On couldn't contain his own happiness himself.

They were lying in the same bed, gazing at each other, smiling. They had a good night's sleep and they looked happy. Ga On couldn't have asked for anything more.

"Hey," Ga On decided to speak first.

"Hey," Yo Han spoke with his rough, morning voice, still caressing Ga On's cheek with his hand lightly. And Ga On never wanted him to stop doing that.

"Did you sleep well?" Ga On asked, still hoping that he wasn't wrong.

Yo Han was silent for a moment, still simply looking at Ga On with soft eyes.

"Incredibly so," he finally said.

Ga On couldn't help but grin at that. "I told you it might help," he said then, playing smart. Then he looked at Yo Han and considered him for a minute, figuring something out. "You didn't think it'd work, did you?" He asked.

"No, I did," Yo Han said right away. "I was scared it'd work, actually," he admitted.

Now that's something that surprised Ga On. But he was glad that Yo Han decided to be truthful. "Why?" He asked then, curious about his answer.

"Because that means I'm going to have to sleep with you all the time from now on," Yo Han said, completely serious.

Ga On grinned at that, pleased with the situation. "I think I'm good with that," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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