Chapter 15

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Despite the house being a literal huge mansion, it didn't stop the sound from the study to be carried all the way to the kitchen. They all went there to give Elijah and Yo Han some privacy, but as soon as those two started shouting, everyone knew exactly what they were fighting about.

The funny thing is, Ga On finally found out where they moved four years ago. Too bad he didn't hear it directly from one of them, but accidentally, overhearing one of their fights.


He knew they must have gone to Europe, he just wasn't sure where exactly. It's not like Ga On knew much about Switzerland, but he thought that it was quite fitting, he could picture Yo Han living there. No wonder he doesn't want to move back, they're probably living their best lives there, without any worries.

Or well, at least maybe Yo Han does. It doesn't seem like Elijah is happy there, judging by her sudden outburst about how much she doesn't want to go back to Zurich.

It took them another five minutes to quiet down, and when Ga On heard the loud sound of the elevator going up, he decided to follow Elijah upstairs, to make sure that she was fine. Well, he of course knew that she wasn't okay at all, but he didn't want her to be alone right now, not when she was in that angered state.

Ga On used to witness quite a lot of her fights with Yo Han, back when he still lived with them, but it was usually harmless – mostly just bickering or some misunderstandings. There were a few times where Yo Han was seriously mad at her, but they sorted those things out quite quickly. Ga On believes that he was the person who helped them make up a couple of times, because he was reasonable and Elijah listened to him, unlike Yo Han. That's why he knew that no matter how bad the argument was, if he just talked to the two of them and helped them understand the other, they'd sort out their differences.

This time was different though, and he knew that. It was about their living situation and Ga On knows Yo Han can't come back here. But Elijah? She can do whatever she wants and if she chooses to stay here, then nobody could convince her otherwise. Ga On is just worried that if she stays here for the long haul, it could damage her relationship with Yo Han, and well, Ga On wants those two to get along. They're family after all, and he knows how much Yo Han cares about Elijah.

When he got to Elijah's door, he knocked four times, hoping she'd realize it was him.

It seemed like she did, because he didn't hear any screams from the other side of the door, just a simple "come in."

"Hey," Ga On simply said and went to sit in one of the chairs by the little table, while Elijah sat on her bed, her cane on the floor not too far away, abandoned. "What did it do to you?" Ga On asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Elijah just looked down at the cane and huffed in annoyance. "I'm sick of it," she admitted, not even looking at the thing, just at her feet.

Ga On nodded in understanding. "Isn't it better than the wheelchair though?" He asked. After all, that was the whole idea of the surgery – to get rid of the wheelchair, to make her walk again. He figures the cane isn't all that comfortable, but it has to be better than the wheelchair.

"It is," Elijah said right away, with a serious tone. "But I hate relying on things. On people."

He smiled knowingly at her, because he understood that Elijah wanted to be independent, that she wanted to live her own life, without people telling her what to do, without being held back, by things such as her cane.

"You're doing a good job with walking," Ga On pointed out, sending her a light, proud smile.

"I can't really do much of that without the cane," Elijah said. "I need something to hold onto, I'm not steady enough on my own."

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