Of the Burning Past - Red -P10

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Grian took off from the others but accidentally ran into Antfrost on the way to where he could sense the egg.

"Sorry about that! Didn't mean to run into you." Grian said and Antfrost chuckled.

"It's okay. Can i help you with anything?" Antfrost asked and Grian nodded.

"I'm looking for whatever these red vines lead to. Curious to see what it is." Grian said and Antfrost nodded.

"So you want to see the egg? Good, Good. Follow me." Antfrost said and he walked off. Grian followed him to the spider spawner and then down a staircase where the walls went from plain stone to red netherrack bricks.

The staircase led to a large open room full of red vines and near a corner was a giant crimson egg. Grian was led over and Bad looked at Antfrost confused.

"What's he doing here?" Bad questioned.

"He was curious to see the egg so i led him here." Antfrost said and Grian moved closer to the egg. The egg hissed and both Bad and Ant moved away.

"You are different from the others. Who are you?" the egg hisses and Grian shivered.

"My name is Grian." Grian said and the Egg hissed more angrily.

"You lie..." the egg growled, "LEAVE US."

Ant and Bad rushed out of the room and the egg hissed at Grian again.

"I won't ask again. Who are you?" the egg growled, "Grian is not your name you lie."

"My name is Michael Afton." Grian said hesitantly and suddenly red vines shot out and held him against the wall pining him.

"Afton...you will serve me.." the egg said and pulled grian towards it before encasing him in vines while Grian struggled.

Grian struggled as the voices of the egg invaded his mind. He groaned in agony as he fought against the vines but they enclosed tighter around him.

'ENNARD!!! HELP HELP PLEASE!' Grian cried telepathically hoping his link with ennard still remained as the voices got louder.

"SOMEONE HELP!!!" Grian cried tears streaming down his face as he felt alone.

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