Incorrect Quotes 2

574 17 22


(also more incorrect quotes because yes)


Tari: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would just be excited to have a bunk bed.




Three: I'm gonna tell her.

Four: Don't you fUCkiNg dare-


Three: Melony? What are you writing?

Melony: A fanfic.

Three: ...

Three: About what?

Melony: You and SMG4.

Three: W-WHAT? W-why?

Melony: He asked me to. I'm being paid.

Four, from behind the sofa: I TOLD YOU TO KEEP THAT ANONYMOUS IDIOT!


Four: This date is boring.

Three: This isn't a date. I told you I was going to the store.

Four: Then why did you invite me?

Three: I didn't. I specifically said "do not come with me" and you said "don't tell me what to do" and followed me here.


Computer: Please enter a password.

Three: *types in SMG4*

Computer: Your password is too weak.

Three: How fucking DARE YOU-


Three: I don't have a favorite person in this group. I don't like any one of y-

Melony, running over: Meggy set the kitchen on fire while you were gone!

Three: *Full sprint* Oh my god, is SMG4 okay?!


Three: Okay, yeah. I have feelings for Four. But does that mean I'm in love with him? No- Oh my god... I'm in love with Four...

Three, to Meggy and Saiko: Why didn't you guys tell me?!

Meggy: We thought you knew!


Four: Are we fighting or flirting?

Three: I'm pinning you against the wall my my hand around your neck-

Four: Your point?


Three: God dammit, the printer broke while printing out SMG4's birthday invitations!

Saiko: What were they supposed to say?

Three: "SMG4's birthday".

Saiko: So what do they say instead?

Three: "SMG4's bi".


Saiko: I mean, it works out either way-


Three: SMG4's so funny and cute...

Boopkins: Aw, don't be jealous! I think you're very funny!

Three: I'm not being jealous, Boopkins. I'm being gay.


Saiko: You deserve a reward for putting up with me...

Tari: But you are my reward.


Four: You deserve a reward for putting up with me...

Three: Yes. Yes, I do. THANK YOU-


Meggy: Okay, so SMG4 has 19 SMG3 plushes and he gives-

Melony: Wait, why does he have so many SMG3 plushes?

Four: Mind your own business, you two!


Three: Ugh, I was trying to open a can of food for Eggdog but our can opener broke...

Four: So now it's a can't opener?

Three: I can't believe I'm dating you.


Four: I have a lie detector on my shirt.

Three: ??? Then take it off.

Saiko: Why do you want him to take off his shirt?

Three: WHAT- I DON'T-

Four: beep... beep...


Four: Three and I-

Meggy: Are getting married?

Four: What? No, we-

Meggy, pulling out a giant notebook: Perfect, I've already planned the entire thing!


Three: You had friends, and I envied that...

Four: You're welcome to share my friends.

Three: *looks over at the SMG4 crew*

Three: I don't want those.


Four: My crush isn't picking up on my hints.

Meggy: What hints have you given them?

Four: Well, I think about him a lot.

Four: And sometimes I even think about talking to him.


Four: I'm in love with you.

Three: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, idiot.

Four: I know.

Three: ...Ah.

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