that famous youtuber who used to bully you

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(Also canon order of events is really fucked here so just pretend there is a longer time period in between SMG4 finding that SMG3 is alive in the Internet Graveyard and WOTFI 2021 happening lol)


I didn't want to hear the rest of what he had to say. To be honest, I'd rather not see him for the rest of my goddamn life, but...

"What do you want?" I gave my rival a cold glare, meeting his sorrowful blue eyes... If I didn't know any better, I'd have said he was sorry. "What. What is it?!"

SMG4 took a step back, stammering a bit when he spoke. "I- uh- I... I'm sorry... alright...?"


I was a little surprised at first, I'll admit... but I didn't let down my guard. "No, really. What were you hoping for? A chance to attack again? Did you want to betray me? What!?" I yelled. 

"Three, I..." he took a deep breath. "Look... I know we've had a... really... rough past, but-"

"Just fucking spit it out already!" I said, exasperated. God, just SAY IT.

SMG4 looked down at the ground in embarrassment, shame... something like that... "I want to apologize, for... everything. I'm sorry for everything in school, and for the rivalry... and especially all the stuff with Snitch Productions and WOTFI..."

It just sounds like he's rambling on now...

Does this idiot ever stop talking at the socially acceptable time?

"Four." I interrupted him, saying "Shut up."


"Just be quiet!" I exclaimed. "Look- I know you want to 'help' now, but I really don't care! I'm not a damn charity case, okay?! I know my life is fucked, because of you, and I live in a damn Starbucks now, but I don't need you!"

There was a moment of silence between us,

Until he broke it..

"SMG3... I... you might not believe me, but it was never my intention to take anything this far. I'm sorry, I really am." He held out his hand to me. "I was just gonna ask you... maybe we could just stop trying to kill each other at least, then. I don't want to keep doing this every time we meet- look at us, Three, we just met in the middle of nowhere, why are we even fighting?!"

Oh. Huh. Yeah.

I mean... I guess he has a point...

"Please?" he said. "We don't have to be friends. I just don't want us to be bitter enemies until the day we die."

It felt like an eternity thinking about what he'd just said. Not friends. Not enemies.

Like allies?

Or maybe rivals?..

...If I'm being honest, those don't sound too bad...

I sighed.

I'm going to regret this so much.

I reluctantly shook SMG4's hand before quickly letting go of it in disgust. "Fine, fine... I mean... I guess we couldn't be like this forever. I...accept...your apology."

SMG4's face lit up a little bit at my response, which looked stupid... 

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes, before turning in a different direction. "Now that we can both agree on a truce, let's get the hell outta here. Why are you here up on this rocky hill, anyway?"

Four shrugged. " lost?" 

"..." I gave him a Look. 😐

"Okay, I came here with my friends and we were hiking but then I saw a really cool meme running around and got, uhh, distracted...?" He nervously laughed.

Of course he would do that...

Well... not that I wanted to help him, but... "Ugh, let's just go find them ourselves." (Also yippee random POV switch)

The two Meme Guardians spent the rest of the afternoon finding the SMG4 crew again, which turned to evening. They looked up at the orange, pink, and purple streaks across the sky, which stopped their bickering for a moment- with their mutual agreement of "sunsets pretty :0"

Finally, they found the rest of the crew, who had also been looking for them. SMG4 was scolded for running off and getting lost for so long, but he was forgiven...

...And after SMG4 explained everything about why Three was with him right now... they became a little more willing to forgive him.

Random brainrot (Mostly SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now