SnowTrapped Rewritten (2)

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Ok so this isn't really their character dynamic (top image) but just imagine for a second-


"Hurry up dude! I'm holding down the damn parrot, just smash the fridge out already!"

SMG4 absentmindedly pulled a hammer out of nowhere (Plot Convenience magic) and held it up. He charged towards me, ready to strike, and then-

"GOD-" I leg go of the bird and held my head in pain, "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT- Th- that FUCKING HURT!" I screamed. "You did that on purpose!"

Four- SMG4 grinned at me, putting away the hammer. "Oh, sorry! I thought I got the ugly bird!"

"Mothefucker..." I muttered. "I want to kill you so badly."

But then again, not.

Why am I like this?! Ugh, I can never make up my mind about anything... I don't know why I've held back so much. I could murder SMG4 right now. Right now.

But I won't. Why bother, I shouldn't waste my energy.

...That's all he is to me. A waste of energy.

SMG4 backed up. "Alright, alright man calm down! Let's some TV or something," he said, pulling out the remote and clicking the button.

TV: Welcome to the snow channel. Oh wow look at that snow. Some more snow. Oh look at that snow holy crap did you see that sexy snow over there...

We kind of just sat there, staring at the TV with dumb confused expressions.

"...Let's just go back to assaulting each other," said SMG4 before pushing me back over to my side of the igloo.

"Hey!" I said. "You don't get to push me around! No one gets to push me around!" I glared at him. Then I stepped over the red line onto SMG4's side for a millisecond before quickly pulling my leg back.

SMG4 screamed. "GOD, I CAN'T TAKE THIS! I hate you! Why must your life's purpose be to annoy the crap out of me?!" The YouTuber dove towards me, trying to tackle me to the ground, but he was really fucking clumsy and completely missed, crashing into the ground and hitting his head.

"Y-you idiot!" His head was bleeding. "Why would you-? You fucking idiot!" 

"Th...ree?" he said, definitely not fully conscious.

"Uh-" I kind of panicked, I didn't really know what to do. "Shit- I'll get the, uh, first aid kit...?" I said, unsure if the Plot Convenience magic would work right now. Thankfully it did.

"" I crept around SMG4 like he was toxic, eventually just picking him up and bringing him to the bed. "That should be good enough."

A little while later, I was 99% sure my rival wouldn't die, which is weird to say so happily, but who cares. We're trapped in an igloo and we're either gonna starve or freeze to death in this prison with no way out but that goddamn Italian.

Heh. SMG4 probably won't remember this...

I used Plot Convenience magic to get a Fucked-Up Green Crayon/Red Marker Eraser and erased the dividing line between our halves of the room. Yeah! Now I have the whole space! Too bad I still have to share it with him...

Oh wait. Does this mean we're back to square one again?


Here, have a random image of my Google Docs version of this while we get the timeskip ready :D

Here, have a random image of my Google Docs version of this while we get the timeskip ready :D

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That's the first thing I heard when I woke up. But the first thing I felt was immense pain coming from my forehead.

"Fuck-" I muttered, SMG3 finally starting to come into focus. The blurry igloo was still blocked at the entrance, those goddamn ugly paintings were still here, the weird snow channel...

Oh, and Three. "Oh. You're up," he said, clicking off the TV. "God, finally. You have no idea how much I missed your whining and dumbfuckery."

I'm not very good with insults and sarcasm sometimes, but I knew for sure that SMG3 was mocking me. "Hey!" I said, about to insult him back before remembering something. Or rather, not remembering something.. "Uhh...what happened?" I asked, the events of yesterday still kind of foggy in my mind.

"Oh, yeah," he said, smiling. "Heh, you fell on your face and I had to drag you to bed. By the way, have you seen the dividing line recently? I think it went with your dad to get the milk."

Huh? The hell did he mean by- I looked at the bare floor. Hey, wait a minute! "You can't do that!" I cried. 

"Oh really? Cause it looks like I just did!" SMG3 grinned at me, coming closer.

"Fuck you, man..." I groaned. Huh. Well look at that. SMG3's inches away from me and we're not trying to kill each other. Character development???

I stared into his fiery red eyes, feeling my face burn with...something. Anger? Embarrassment? No, it's neither of those. What the hell?...

"Uh, earth to SMG4?" Three said, waving his hand in front of my face. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Shitshitshitshitshitshit I was staring at him. "Uh-" My eyes darted all over the room, away from SMG3. "Sorry, I- I spaced out! What?"

"Simp." Three went back to the TV and turned it on, watching the snow channel on mute. I was going to make fun of him for watching that, but suddenly a penguin appeared!

"Food!" I yelled without thinking. "Wh-" SMG3 whipped his head around to see the bird. "Ah!" He pulled a gun out of nowhere and shot the penguin.

"Yeah!" We celebrated. "FOOD!"


No! That stupid parrot did it again!!!

This was great. Just. Great. I'm gonna strangle that bird as soon as it comes back...

SMG3 shivered on the opposite side of the igloo, desperately clinging to any kind of heat left in our icy prison. "It's s-so c-c-cold..." he mumbled. "Dammit..."

"Look, I told you! you can come join me on the bed!" I exclaimed without putting much thought into my words. "Stop whining!"

SMG3 turned to face me with a look of disgust. "Ugh, no way! What are you, gay?!"

"No- god- Ah dammit, I mean we'll be more warm on this bed since we can share body heat!"

"See! I knew you were gay!"

When he said that, I got off the bed and threw it at him. "Nuh uh, I'm bi!"



He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

SMG4 finally calmed down and went to sleep, meaning that I had some peace and quiet all to myself. 

What if we hadn't been enemies? I thought to myself. Everything we've done to each other seems was all for no reason. No- I started this...

Oh god, I started this.

I never wanted to hate SMG4. Honestly, all those years ago in Meme School I kind of...looked up to him. He always seemed so good at everything, why couldn't I be like that?

...But it was more than just that, I think.

I thought back to Memewarts. Four's- at the time, Glitchy's- friends were so good. They weren't toxic, or hypocrites, or spread rumors about him behind his back. Yeah, I was jealous of that. Sure.

...Goddammit, why am I avoiding *that* train of thought?

I'm just gonna say this- I think- maybe I-

Maybe at one point in the past, I- I could've told him how I really felt and we could've avoided being enemies.

Maybe if I wasn't in so much denial, I could've told him I loved him.

But I don't anymore.

I think.

Random brainrot (Mostly SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now