Incorrect Quotes 4

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OK SO I WASNT GONNA DO ANOTHER ONE OF THESE but- i had free time at school and i found some quotes for y'all- 

(the image at the top is from the fic Playing the Long Game and it is very amazing, gO READ IT NOW)


Three, at Karen's funeral: *places his hand on the headstone and sobs*

Three: How could you do this to me? We're so understaffed...


Melony: Why are you eating tofu?

Four: I'm trying to convince Saiko I'm a vegan.

Melony: Why?

Four: I've been stealing chicken from her fridge and if I'm vegan, she can't accuse me of stealing it.

Melony: Why not just buy your own chicken?

Four: This is much more fun, watch...

Saiko: Okay! I have had enough! WHO THE HELL! IS EATING MY GOD DAMN CHICKEN!?


Three: I think I'm coming down with something. I've been so nauseous lately

Four, seriously: Maybe you're pregnant.

*they sit there in silence for a moment*

Three: I don't know who's the bigger idiot. You for suggesting that, or me because I almost had a panic attack-


Four: Nothing lasts forever. Change is inedible.

Tari: Don't... Don't you mean it's inevitable?

Four, who has been using this entire conversation as a setup for the world's worst magic trick: *spits out coins* no I do not!


Four: Can we stay with you tonight?

Three: Both of you? What happened?

Four: Someone was playing with an ouija board and cursed the whole Showgrounds.

Meggy: Mario wasn't any help. He doesn't know how to banish spirits, so he's just throwing salt at them yelling "does this look like a hotel to you!?"


Four: I impulsively bought a snake. What do I name him?

Three: You did WHAT—

Mario: William Snakespeare!



Saiko: You are a hazard to society...

Bob: And a coward, do 20


Tari, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!

Saiko, walking in covered in ink: Well, maybe the squid was being a dickhead.


Four: Um, guys... I'm dating SMG3 now.

Saiko: Really? You couldn't find anyone better?

Four: Hey! I love him!

Saiko: I was talking to Three.


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