SnowTrapped Rewritten (3)

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I don't like him like that. Not anymore.

Even though I didn't really hate Four, I couldn't stop acting like this. When he awoke from a dream in terror, I told him to shut up. "Some people are trying to starve in peace..."

"Oh yeah? Come fight me, you ugly ass clone!" he yelled.

I glared back. "Oh yeah?! Stick 'em up! You, uh..." Shit...what's a good insult? "...bundle of sticks!"

We started fighting again, but neither of us really had the energy to take it seriously. After a minute, we both collapsed to the ground, exhausted from our day.

SMG4's blue eyes met my own, and I swear something weird happened inside of me. Like, uh, I dunno how to explain it well. "Ughh...Three- SMG3...tell me why we hate each other again..." he mumbled to me.

"I stole your stupid video ideas..." I said, admiring his face. "God, I'm fucking trains of thought are all getting derailed," I said to myself, realizing what I was doing.

"Huh? Oh, whatever," said Four, rolling over onto his back. "Yeah, screw you for that..." He paused. "How about we just forgive each other...and..."

SMG4 stopped. "What? And what?" I asked.

"Never mind!" he squeaked. "Look! The parrot!"

That motherfucking bird was back on its perch where we could reach it! Yes!

"HURRY! CATCH THE DAMN THING!" I yelled, and he jumped to his feet. The parrot wasn't fast enough this time, and SMG4 fucking obliterated it. The parrot coughed up our roast penguin and refrigerator before it died.

We stared at the fridge for a second and celebrated. "Woo-hoo! We might not die as fast now!" my rival cheered as we pushed it back upright and looked inside. Bananas. Lettuce. String cheese. Applesauce. Ice-E's Cool Boys Body Spray "Spray for the Boys" Flamin Hot Pizza Flavor...

"Well, there aren't any potato chips but we'll survive" I remarked, opening the drawers. "For a little while longer, I guess."

Then we heard a rumbling noise.

"What's that?" I said nervously.

~~~ (Cut to Mario) ~~~

Mario, getting chased and attacked by every living organism in a 3-mile radius: AeAEa AEawwEAHhDAFAhH AEAwWAa AEAEAESWESAhGDASFH!!!!


Old man: *tries to aim for Mario but accidentally misses, covering the igloo with even more snow*


Mario: Oh fu-

~~~ (Back to the gays now) ~~~

"Well!" I said. " definitely not good."

SMG4 screamed. "GAHHHH! How much longer will we be trapped in here?!" he said, banging his head against the wall obnoxiously.

"Dude, can you stop?!" I said. "That's kind of really fucking annoying."

My rival slumped over, looking defeated. "'s probably nighttime by now. I'm taking the bed though!" he said, rushing to the kind of-broken thing (since the frame broke when he threw it).

"Oh, hell no!" I said, also running for the bed. And I got there first, too! "Hah! You sleep on the floor!" I said, tossing him one of the pillows and a blanket. Huh. Who the hell keeps two blankets, anyway?


(*the author glares at 3 while writing this in bed under 2 blankets*)

Huh, well actually maybe that isn't such a strange thing, I thought to myself as we both tried to get comfortable, with Four obviously struggling a lot more on the ground. Heh.



There was Mario, and Luigi, and FM, and X, and they weren't here. None of them were here.

They left me. 

No one was here. 

I was cold. 

I was so cold.

I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for death to come. 

But it didn't, and the only thing I felt was emptiness, loneliness, the cold...

My eyes shot open. It wasn't real. It wasn't real. It was all just a dream. You didn't lose anyone. You're not gonna die you're not gonna die you're not gonna die.

"I'm not gonna..." I whispered to myself, nearly in tears. "God, it was just a dream, why am I-"


I sat up and looked behind me. SMG3 sat in bed, awake. "What is it? What happened?" he asked.

Normally I would've asked why the hell he cared, but I wasn't in my right mind. "N-nightmare," I said quietly. "Can't...sleep. On the ground." The icy floor was too cold for me. But what else could I do?

"Fuck it," said Three. "Ugh, just get in the bed already. Sharing body heat or some crap makes us not freeze, something something. That's what you were saying earlier, right?"

"Huh? O-oh, yeah," I said, memories of when I was delirious filling my head.


Oh, shit.

...Thinking back, I'm really glad I saw the Robotnik Parrot before I could say...uh, what I was about to say... MOVING ON!

I carefully slipped under the covers, and I just kind of laid there on my back for a minute. I felt my eyes begin to close. I think I might have rolled over to face SMG3, and then the world went dark and silent and calm.



Holy shit holy shit holy shit I can't believe I just said that...

Well now I'm more awake than ever!

In my half-asleep state, somehow I had the- the stupidity? The courage? The something to let SMG4 onto the bed...

Okay, yeah. Let's just admit it already. I never stopped liking him. So what? He's with his friends and I'm a lonely little motherfucker he passed by in the halls at school years ago who looked up to him but never said anything. Someone he never even knew existed.

God, I'm pathetic. Why do I have this dream...?

Pigs will fly before Four likes me back.

Everything about this is so stupid. He's right here, right next to me, so close to me. God, I wish I knew if he felt the same way I did.

The blue recolor shivered. Not because of the cold, but because of fear. He curled up, looking so small and helpless now. I shifted closer to him, and he started to relax. 

SMG4's hand was limp next to me, and there was this- some kind of crackle I could hear, it was everywhere in the air, and it was so annoying and loud. I didn't ignore my impulses and quickly took Four's hand. Suddenly, the noise stopped. It was quiet. Not unsettlingly quiet, but- calm.

What just happened? I thought to myself. I'll...figure it out later. 

For now...I'll just...sleep on this. Sleep on everything. Yeah, I'll deal with all this funny magic crap tomorrow. Just the magic. Yeah. Nothing else. Like love. I'm overthinking. Goodnight, me...

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