Chapter 1

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"I'm leaving," I told my mother, who was still lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. "I'm going to enter that university and won't be back. Don't worry about me."

"No one's worrying about your well-being, Freen. Go ahead and don't come back," my mom retorted without even looking at me.

Her words stung, but I stayed strong. How many years had it been since my father died? Twelve? Thirteen? I couldn't remember. All I could recall was the hell I went through after he died.

She had never treated me as her daughter. To be honest, I wasn't her daughter biologically. My father had me before he married this woman when I was just seven years old.

I had thought having a mother would be a haven. Someone who would comb my hair, fix my breakfast, ask how my day went, and much more. However, this woman never did a single good thing for me. Whenever my father wasn't around, she wouldn't let me eat, and I couldn't tell my father about it since he loved her so much, and I didn't want to ruin our family.

When my father died, and no one in our family had a job, we lost everything. We didn't even know how my father died; we just saw his burned corpse. The government gave us enough to survive for the next ten years, but now we had nothing—literally zero.

"What will happen to you if I leave?" I asked her.

"Don't mind me, little devil. Go on and leave. I don't need your help," she said, gesturing for me to go.

Honestly, despite her treatment, I still cared for her. Even though she treated me like a monster, I was still glad she stayed after my father died, even though she could have had any man she wanted in our district. Perhaps she really loved my father.

As I ventured out of the house, I saw my only friend—Heng. He worked for the government but managed to get a day off to see me off.

"Are you sure you want to enter that university? It's risky," Heng tried to convince me multiple times not to attend.

We thought it was just a legend, as no one had ever come out alive. But they said that one girl had managed to escape and make a fortune, living in another district full of wealthy people.

"I'm not weak, Heng. Thanks to my stepmother," I rolled my eyes.

"Rumor has it that many girls died there," Heng added, so I stopped and looked at him.

"I'll die either way, Heng. In this district, no girls are allowed to work because they think we're weak. In that university, I think we're all the same. I can work there, I can be whoever I want to be because there are no stereotypes against women," I retorted.

The only reason I entered that university was to find a sense of belonging. It was an all-girls school, and perhaps, if we could help each other, we could end this discrimination.

Heng took me to the middle of the forest where the school was located. I waved my final goodbye to him because we wouldn't be able to see each other for the next three years once I officially enrolled.

This university had only one requirement: if you're a girl, you're welcome. That was it. I didn't know whether to be happy because I was born a girl and got this opportunity or angry because if I were a man, I wouldn't need to risk my life for this institution.

"Welcome!" a girl with long black hair smiled at me. Her eyes were big and complemented her beauty. She was wearing a crown, which I found unusual at first.

Was she the student model here?

"Who are you?" I asked, still wondering about her gesture.

"My name's Charlotte, the violet visionary. I've been waiting for you, Sarocha," she smiled sweetly at me and hugged me.

"Just Freen. People in my district call me Freen," I told her.

"Okay, Freen. Welcome to paradise," Charlotte smiled and opened another gate—the entrance of the school.

There were plenty of flowers, like a flower farm. It was indeed a paradise for girls who loved flowers, just like me.

"Don't be amazed by this; there's a lot more inside," Charlotte said, pulling me inside.

We went to the registrar to get my schedule, uniform, and other necessities before heading to the dorm.

"Based on your talents, we're not sure which dormitory to assign you to yet. We'll wait for the president's return for her to decide," Charlotte said with a smile before leaving.

While waiting for the president in the dormitory's common room, I decided to explore the area. I was amazed by the pictures displayed in the common room; everyone looked so happy. Why did everyone say that entering this school would make your life miserable?

"I think we have a newbie," I heard a girl from behind, so I turned to see.

Before I could say anything, her friends grabbed me and tied me to a chair. The next thing I knew, they were punching, slapping, and criticizing me.

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