Chapter 21

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I walked into the classroom wearing Becky's glasses, which she had made look stylish but made me look like a nerdy version of her. Life could be so unfair at times.

As I entered the room, Billy called out, "Freen?" I bowed slightly, making my way to my seat and pulled out a lollipop to suck on. I could feel the curious gazes of my classmates, undoubtedly wondering what had happened to me. I had gone from looking tough to appearing as if I were their potential prey.

Billy then began to explain, "So, we all know that Becky won't be here for the meantime because there's a problem in the first district, and they need Becky's assistance there."

I couldn't help but admire Billy's courage as he faced the students he had played. He had been known for his playboy antics, yet he managed to address them with a smile as if nothing had occurred.

"What happened in the first district, sir?" a student asked. "Is Becky okay?" This was the girl who had previously threatened me to stay away from Becky, presumably because she had feelings for her. Unfortunately for her, Becky wouldn't give her the same attention she gave me.

"Bombing. Becky knows how to disarm bombs, and she had to teach the men there, including her longtime boyfriend," Billy replied, looking at me and mentioning Nut Danjesda.

I smiled slowly as he looked at me, making him uncomfortable. I didn't intend to pay much attention to what he said from now on. He could be spreading things to turn the people against Becky before her return, and I wasn't going to believe anything unless it came from Becky herself.

"Danjesda?" another student asked her seatmate. "Isn't he the heir to the closest state here? If he and Becky got married, they would have two states under Armstrong. That's intimidating."

I took note of all the information I overheard as the students whispered among themselves. While Becky was away, I figured I could do some research about this country. And if I gained power, I was determined to challenge this patriarchal society.

Eventually, Billy stopped talking about things that were beyond our comprehension. Next time, he should use simpler terms, considering that history was already a dry subject. But he made it unnecessarily complicated for us to grasp.

"Freen, stay behind," Billy instructed.

I returned to my seat as my classmates left the room. Once they were gone, Billy locked the door and approached me. He pulled me up from my seat and wrapped his arms around me.

"So, what's going on with you, sir?" I asked seductively.

"Why did you dress like this today? Is it for me?" he inquired, making me chuckle.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and tilted my head while continuing to suck on my lollipop. This was my third lollipop of the day.

"You're quite full of yourself, aren't you?" I remarked, looking at his lips with a hint of disgust, remembering that I had once kissed them. "I know your type, Billy. I mean, sir. You like tough women on the outside because they please you. Tough on the exterior, but submissive in bed."

"Like you," he said with a smirk.

"You're right. I'm submissive, but not to you," I stated, pulling my hands away from him and removing his hands from me. "This is no longer about us, sir. You and I are clearly different people, although we were the same in bed. You like to sleep with women, and so do I." I grabbed my bag.

"You're leaving like this?" he asked.

"I almost forgot one thing," I said, removing my lollipop from my mouth and placing it inside his. "Good dog. Suck it." I smirked and exited the room.

I didn't hear Billy mutter anything further. Perhaps, he had accepted his defeat. After what he had done, he couldn't deceive me again. I had no intention of trusting someone who had broken my trust.


After class, I went to the office to check if there was any new task, but unfortunately, there was none. I found myself bored for the rest of the day.

I put my feet up on the table and leaned back in my swivel chair, waiting for the time to pass.

"Get your feet off the table," Amanda scolded, but I ignored her. "I said, get your feet off."

"Why?" I asked, looking at her. "You're not sitting here with me. It's Becky's table; why should I take my feet down?"

"Becky dislikes when people are putting dirt on her desk." Amanda replied.

"It's fine. Becky likes me," I said, smiling at her and gesturing for her to leave.

"Is Freen here?" a student asked, and I turned to look at her. "Are you friends with Mr. Asavarid?"

I almost jumped out of my seat upon hearing Heng's name.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"He's... dead."

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