Chapter 15

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I woke up early and left Billy inside the room to go back to mine. I tried to sneak in so Becky wouldn't wake up, but the moment I entered our room, I saw her drinking tea while wearing sunglasses.

She's awake already?

I slowly closed the door and saw the dress I ordered yesterday. However, it was only one, and I guessed Becky didn't order one.

"You're not going tonight?" I asked to break the silence.

"No," Becky replied.

"What's with those sunglasses? There's still no sun." I chuckled to simply release my nervousness.

"It's not your concern," she coldly said and stood up to put her cup in the sink. Becky then went to bed and covered herself with a blanket.

Was she angry?

I took a quick shower and joined her in bed, but she moved a bit when our skin touched. She was avoiding me.

"Bec..." I called her name, but she didn't respond. I held her arms, but she slapped my hand away. "Are you mad?"

"No," she replied coldly again.

"Then why are you acting like this? You're acting like a child," I said.

"I'm disgusted." She finally spoke properly and turned to face me. "I'm disgusted with you." Her eyes had dark circles, the reason why she had sunglasses on.

Wait, did she stay up all night to wait for me?

"Why?" I asked and smelled my body, but I was too fragrant for her to be disgusted.

"You really fell for Billy's advances, huh?" She huffed and rolled her eyes. "Go to the prom tonight for you to know why I told you that you shouldn't trust him."

My hands turned to fists. There we go again, she was so mad at Billy.

"Are you jealous? Is this part of my job? Not to have a lover in this institution so I could focus on my task?" I asked and sat up.

Becky sat too and glared at me. "Do you think that I'm just jealous, and that's why I'm acting this way?" she asked with frustration. "You think too shallow of me, Freen."

"Because you are!" I yelled.

Becky closed her eyes, suppressing her anger. "Then fine. Do whatever you want, Freen. Just don't come here crying because of that guy. I warned you." Becky slipped off the bed and left the room.

I ignored Becky's words and sleep.


"The great kisser attended the event," Amanda said the moment I stepped inside the venue. She was with her minions again, and behind her was Nam, who looked so disappointed in me.

"What are you saying?" I asked and furrowed my brows.

"You should be thankful that you're the Carnage now, or else you'll experience excruciating pain." Amanda laughed and walked past me.

Nam was about to follow her, but I grabbed her arm and asked her what Amanda was talking about.

"You really don't know?" Nam asked and huffed. "Everyone in this institution knows that you spent the night with Billy. I'm so disappointed, Freen. I chose you to help him because I know you're not an easy person to get."

"What happened last night? I didn't have sex with him, what are you talking about?" I asked in frustration.

"Billy is a professor, Freen. Why did you give in? Becky and Engfa warned you, right? Why didn't you listen?" Nam asked and averted her gaze.

"I didn't get what you were trying to say. Can you be more specific?" I asked.

"Billy is a playboy. He's testing all the newbies here and sleeping with them. Once a student agrees to sleep with him, given he is a teacher, the student will receive a punishment. Yes, you two didn't have sex because Billy doesn't really go further than that. You should be thanking Becky because if you were not a Carnage, you'd be in trouble." Nam removed my hands from her. "God, you disappoint me so much."

I was dumbfounded. Was this what Becky was trying to tell me? That he was the last person I should trust?

"Now, everybody knows that you're like most of the girls here, giving yourself easily to someone you just met." Nam shook her head. "Go inside the Science Lab. If you don't believe me."

Nam left, and I had no other choice but to go to the science lab. Perhaps Becky paid her to say that, especially since they were friends since they were kids.

As I walked towards the science lab, my heart felt so heavy. I didn't know why, but even though I felt so down, I decided to peek, only to see Billy and Mind smiling at each other.

Why didn't I see this before? On the first day, I saw them together, but I paid no mind because I thought Mind was just flirting with Billy. Why?

My hands turned to fists, and I exited the building. I went to the cafeteria even though my dress was giving me a hard time walking. I removed my stilettos as I walked back to my room.

But Becky was there, and I didn't want her to see me like this.

I went to the rooftop and opened a can of beers and drank them all. Fuck this life! I was being tested, and I gave in! I thought everything about him was pure. I even... I even...

"Fuck you, Billy!" I yelled on the rooftop. "Why?" My tears escaped from my eyes as I felt the pain consuming me.

All I did was be good to him. However, he played with my feelings. I admit, I like him. He was the first person who showed his affection to me.

My vision got blurry, so I slumped on the ground. I couldn't see properly, but the pain was still lingering inside me.

I won't stay still. I will make him pay. I will do everything for him to regret that playing with my feelings is the biggest mistake he made.

"Fuck... you, Billy. Asshole. Jerk..." I whispered.

There were no tears coming out anymore. My eyes dried out.

Suddenly, a pair of hands wrapped around me. I turned to see who it was, but my vision was blurry.

"Let's go back to our room, Freen," she whispered in my ear.

"I'm not done yet," I said and grabbed the can of beer and finished it, although I couldn't move anymore because of dizziness.

"I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of you," she said and kissed my forehead.

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