Chapter 12

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"Where did you sleep?" Becky asked the moment I entered the room to get my clothes. "And where are you going?"

"This room is yours. I'm moving out," I replied and began packing my clothes into my bag.

Becky snatched my bag and threw my clothes on the floor. She glared at me and grabbed my hand.

"Let go," I insisted.

"No," she replied and pinned me against the wall. She was breathing heavily, clearly furious.

"I'm tired of being connected to you. People will harm me, either because they want to use me as your pawn or they don't want me to be involved with you!" I yelled, but she didn't release her grip.

Becky gazed at me, but this time, her expression softened, and she let go of me. I couldn't move. Why was she like this? It felt like she was guilt-tripping me.

"You leave me no choice, Freen. I don't want to do this, but you're pushing me to my limit," Becky said, biting her lower lip. "You stayed with Billy, right? Do you want to see him alive?"

"Don't you dare, Becky!" I pushed her, and she chuckled.

"I told you that he should be the last person you trust. He killed someone, Freen. He killed—"

"That's because your family forced him to do that! Billy told me everything!" I gritted my teeth and struggled to catch my breath. "Stay away from him," I warned.

"As if you can order me around," Becky said, sitting on the bed with a sly grin. "And you have a best friend working for the government, right? Heng?"

"Stop it!" I was about to slap her, but she stopped my hand. "You're evil!"

"I wouldn't do this if you didn't keep pushing me, woman!" She yelled at me, pushing me onto the bed and getting on top of me. "I asked you multiple times, in the nicest way I could think of. I almost pleaded with you, but what did you do? You acted tough, when in fact, you can't do anything!" Becky wanted to punch me in the face, but she stopped herself.

She remained silent for a moment before standing up. She was so intimidating when she was angry, and I feared for Heng and Billy if I didn't comply with her wishes.

However, if I agreed, I couldn't escape her clutches unless I died at her hands. If I didn't, she would harm Heng and Billy, and I couldn't allow that to happen, especially when Billy and I were getting along. I felt safe when he was around.

"If you won't accept my offer, then say goodbye to your boys," Becky said, turning to leave, but I grabbed her arm and knelt.

I knew I shouldn't beg, especially to a killer, but I felt powerless. I couldn't do anything to save them from this wicked woman.

"If I accept, will you promise not to harm them?" I asked.

"It depends on whether they try to steal you from me," she replied, making me look at her. "If I ask you to do a task, you must do it. If you don't, their lives will be the price."

"Is there any way to keep them safe?" I inquired again.

Becky sighed and removed my hands from her arm. "Be my accomplice and perform your duties properly." She left the room, leaving me with a heavy heart once more.

How could she be so evil?


"Why do you look so devastated?" Billy asked when I entered the office. He helped me sit on the couch and handed me a glass of water. "What happened? Did someone bully you on the way here?"

I shook my head. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I recounted the events to Billy, and he was visibly surprised.

"Why did you agree to that, Freen? Becky won't spare you. Once she deems you useless, she'll get rid of you," Billy said in frustration.

I lowered my head and nodded. I understood the risks, but I didn't have a choice. I couldn't let her harm anyone I cared about. I just wanted this nightmare to end.

"Freen," Billy said, holding me in his arms.

I felt weak. After my conversation with Becky, I felt so helpless that I could barely walk properly to get to the office. My bones felt like they were shattering inside, and my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

Billy hugged me tightly, trying to make me feel safe. Even if I stayed in his arms all day, I knew that nothing would change. I had accepted Becky's offer, and now I needed to count how many days I had left.

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