Chapter 18

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I went to watch the competition, and I spotted Billy and Mind enjoying the show along with many other students. The venue was buzzing with excitement, and everyone was engrossed in the various events.

Engfa, the tabulator for the contestants, approached me and asked, "What's going on, Freen? Are you feeling better now?"

"I'm okay, but I have a question," I replied. I sat down beside her as we watched the students in action.

"What is it? You can ask me anything," Engfa said with a smile.

"What's the only way to cancel this event, ensuring that no student has a chance to win?" I inquired.

"If someone were to be seriously injured or killed, the event would be canceled, of course," Engfa replied, leaning back in her chair and studying me. "Is this Becky's plan?"

"Yes, but I can't do what you just suggested," I explained. I started to get up, but Engfa gently held my arm and urged me to sit back down.

"You can also try to frame the organizer. Look for evidence that he didn't ensure the safety of the event, making it an unsafe environment," Engfa suggested with a smirk. She patted my shoulder. "Don't worry, you're not the main organizer of this event. Just remember that Billy gave you these orders, so you didn't do anything wrong."

I thanked Engfa for the advice and made my way to the gym where the sports events were taking place. Everything seemed sturdy and secure, with no apparent risks. Billy had taken precautions, but unfortunately, he was playing a dangerous game with me.

I glanced at the basketball hoop and a mischievous idea formed in my mind. I tampered with the sturdiness of the hoop, making it unstable so that if anyone attempted to dunk, the hoop would slowly start to fall. I positioned myself nearby, ready to save any students in case of an accident.

An hour later, the gym was filled with people, and students were getting ready for their events. I spotted Billy speaking to the head with a wide grin on his face. It seemed like he was quite satisfied with what he had accomplished with the gym.

The games commenced, and I positioned myself near the area. The first quarter ended without any students attempting a dunk, but the hoop's sturdiness was clearly compromised.

When a student finally tried to dunk, the hoop began to wobble. I had no choice but to sprint forward and push her out of harm's way, causing the hoop's backboard to fall on me.

"Freen!" I heard Becky shout, but my head was spinning, possibly due to the impact. "Call the nurse, now!" Becky yelled, and Charlotte quickly made the call, but I couldn't wait any longer.

I didn't realize that the students in this event were girls, and there was no need for dunking in the first place.


"Ouch... ouch!" I winced in pain as Becky tended to my fractured ankle. I hadn't realized that I'd broken my ankle while saving that student.

Becky glared at me and flicked my forehead. "What were you thinking? I told you to sabotage the game, not to risk your life!"

"It hurts..." I pouted, looking at her with teary eyes.

We were back in our room because I didn't want to see Billy and Mind waiting outside the infirmary. Billy was once again playing the part of the concerned friend, acting as if he hadn't done anything to tarnish my reputation.

"At least I succeeded," I said with a smile, but Becky suddenly gripped my injured ankle, causing me to whimper in pain. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"If you want to die, just say the word, Sarocha! I'll feed you to my lion!" She shouted at me, then got up to fetch some bandages.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "Do you really have a lion?"

"Shut up, or I'll tape your mouth," Becky rolled her eyes and gently bandaged my ankle. "Next time, plan more carefully. You're smart, but sometimes you act like a complete idiot."

"Thanks," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Anyways, how's he?" I inquired, referring to that jerk.

"He's in confinement. The head was uncertain about his intentions, so he's been confined for a month. You won't have to see him," she informed me.

"Thank goodness," I muttered.

"Aren't you sad? You won't see him? You used to like him a lot," Becky teased and sat beside me on the bed.

I had the opportunity to lean on Becky's shoulder, so I did. "I kind of hate him, but I can't say I don't like him anymore. It's hard to hate someone after you've felt comfortable around them. Do you get my point?"

Becky simply nodded. "Pointless."

I glared at her. "It's easy for you to say that, but you've never seen the person you like, liking someone else."

"I have," Becky responded. "I've seen her."

"Her?" I asked, puzzled. "So you're really into women?"

"Men, women, whatever. It doesn't matter as long as I have feelings for them," Becky said. She flicked my forehead again, making me grunt. "Stop meddling in other people's lives, Sarocha. Remember, you still owe me."

"Owe?" I asked, confused. "I completed the task. What do I owe you?"

Becky stood up, facing me closely. She closed the distance between us. "You've slept with me, remember?"

I bit her nose and grimaced before lying down on the bed and covering myself with a blanket.

Why did she have to bring that up again? I had already forgotten about it. Kissing was one thing, but sleeping with her? Did I actually sleep with her? How and why? Why Becky of all people? Why her?

I ruffled my hair in frustration, and I heard Becky chuckling. I raised my middle finger at her, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit up.

"Damn it, my body hurts. Can you be more gentle?" I asked, glaring at her.

"Okay, I'll be gentle," Becky smirked and got on top of me. "I'll make it gentle for you, baby."

Becky leaned in and playfully sniffed my neck, much like a vampire.

"Not like this. Get off me!" I pushed her, but she was surprisingly strong. "Rebecca!" I yelled.

"Yes?" she asked and looked at me with puppy-dog eyes.

"You're evil."

"I know, but I can make you experience heaven," she kissed my neck and gently nibbled it, sending tingling sensations throughout my body.

"Shit..." I moaned as she continued to lick and nibble my jaw. "What are you doing, Rebecca?" I gasped.

"I'm going to sleep," Becky got off me and lay down beside me. She hugged me tightly and closed her eyes.

"You really know how to drive me crazy," I grumbled.

"Thanks," she chuckled.

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