Chapter 32

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Everything had changed. The moment I set foot in District 10, all eyes were on me. I wasn't sure what I had done, but their accusing glares spoke volumes—they saw me as a criminal.

"That girl didn't defend Heng while he was in that institute. She let him die there." The girl spat at me, triggering the flower leaders to scrutinize me. Friend immediately handed me a handkerchief to wipe it off, and I offered her a grateful smile.

"Ignore them, Freen. They'll blame you for everything that happens. As long as you know you're not guilty, it's fine." Friend whispered, patting my shoulder gently.

We proceeded to the government office in District 10, where we were surprisingly welcomed warmly, perhaps due to the knowledge that every flower leader here was the daughter of different affluent men in the country. The usual treatment reserved for other women didn't apply to us.

"Welcome to District 10, Miss Armstrong. I will inform your father that you've arrived safely." The mayor stood up, smiling at Becky as he typed on his phone.

"Yeah. Make sure to do that, because if you won't, your head will be his meal." Becky threatened the mayor, boldly taking a seat in his chair. She motioned for us to sit on the couch, as if claiming her territory. "Where are we staying?" she asked, taking a nonchalant bite of an apple and putting her feet up on the table, showing no respect for the mayor.

"The white house is open for all the leaders of the institute, but since you bring a plus one..." The mayor looked at me, swallowing nervously. "Perhaps, she can stay in her old house. Her stepmother isn't there anymore, so no one stays there."

Becky glanced at me, silently asking if I was okay with that arrangement. It didn't pose a problem; in fact, I was eager to see the house my father had built. They couldn't demolish it since it was my father's private property.

"It's fine. I'm glad that it's still intact." I smiled at both Becky and the mayor.

Becky sighed, tossing the apple into the bin beside the mayor.

"Trash," she declared before standing up. "I'm tired. What's on the agenda for tomorrow?"

"Actually, Miss Armstrong, later in the evening, there's a bonfire near the mountain. We would like to invite you to watch the stars and fireworks." The mayor explained, and Becky nodded.

"Well then," she shrugged. "See you later."

Becky left the room, with all the leaders following her except for Friend. I looked at her, and she motioned for me to go out first, so I did. However, when I exited the office, she was still following me, even though the path to the white house was in the opposite direction of the way we were walking.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, coming to a stop.

I felt Friend halt too, so I turned to face her. She was right behind me, hands in her pockets.

"Becky told me to look after you," she said, walking towards me. "Someone's following you." She whispered and patted my shoulder.

I looked around, but I couldn't see anyone. Was she making up a story so she could follow me around, or was that stalker really good at their job?

"Let's go to your home; I'll stay there too." Friend reached for my hand, intertwining it with hers. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at her, but she ignored me, pulling me along as we walked hand in hand.


"Welcome," I said as we entered my former humble abode.

I didn't know when my stepmother had left, but I had a feeling it wasn't of her own accord. When my father died, the authorities had offered a significant amount of money for us to evacuate so they could buy the lot. However, my stepmother had refused, despite her love for money.

"This is a bit old but nice." Friend commented as she looked around.

"It's been years since my father died, and we didn't have enough money to renovate it. So, my stepmother left it like this. She didn't have a choice either." I shrugged and headed to the kitchen. "Anyway, who's following me?" I asked.

"Me." Friend grinned and sat on a chair. "I can't let you go alone. I saw how the mayor looked at you a while ago. Does he like you?" she asked, resting her chin on her hand.

"Leave," I said, leaning on the sink. "I thought someone was really following me."

"Besides me, there's a guy. I don't know, but after I followed you, he went in other directions. I thought he was just lost, but the way he made his way out, I knew he had memorized the place." Friend rubbed her chin with her fingers. "But never mind. I'll stay for tonight."

"Do you want Becky to kill you? She doesn't like it when I sleep with other girls." I rolled my eyes.

Friend chuckled and shook her head. "She won't. You're not her carnage anymore. So, she doesn't own you."

I shook my head at Friend and went to my father's room. She followed me, and we both coughed at the thickness of the dust. Seriously? When did my stepmother last clean this? When I lived here, it was always spotless.

"Oh my goodness. That's a hell of a dust!" Friend glared at me, and I averted my gaze out of embarrassment. Who asked her to follow me all the way here anyway?

"Freen?" I heard a loud knock coming from the main door, causing Friend and me to look at each other. "It's Becky. Open up."

If she found Friend here, I'd be doomed.

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