Chapter 19

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Becky and I entered the classroom together, each of us with lollipops in our mouths. We took our usual seats at the back and waited for the teacher.

As we settled in, I noticed that everyone was glancing at me, probably wondering why my demeanor had changed so drastically. It's not surprising to change after being played, right?

"Bec, I don't want this flavor anymore," I said, handing her my lollipop. In return, she offered me hers. We exchanged lollipops, and I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw her reaction. It tasted terrible, and I wondered who had bought it.

"Alright, class. I will be your temporary professor since Mr. Patchanon is currently indisposed," the new professor announced. I looked at him and was taken aback when I realized who he was.

"Do you know him?" Becky asked, and I nodded slowly, unable to take my eyes off Heng.

"Let's begin," Heng said with a smile, as he started writing on the whiteboard.

Throughout the lesson, I found it difficult to concentrate. Why was he here? Did he know how dangerous this school was? He had a family to care for and a significant position in the government. What was he doing here?

"Alright, that's it for today," Heng closed his books, and the students started leaving the classroom.

Becky got up to leave, but she noticed that I wanted to stay behind.

"I'll wait for you outside," she said.

"Thank you," I replied.

After Becky left, Heng looked at me, and we exchanged a smile. He opened his arms, and I rushed into a hug with him.

"Why are you here?" I asked while playfully punching his broad shoulders.

"Don't worry; this is just temporary. I'll return to my usual duties after Billy's confinement ends," Heng explained, taking a good look at me. "You seem to be doing well here. Have you made friends?"

"Just one," I corrected him. "I'm happy to see you, but at the same time, I'm concerned. Please make sure to come back to the district, alright?"

"I will," Heng reassured me, pinching my nose, to which I playfully glared at him. "I worry about your well-being, so when they asked for volunteers for a temporary professor, I volunteered right away. I wanted to see you."

"Now that you've seen me, you should go back. I'm fine here. By the way, how's my stepmother?" I inquired.

"She's not doing well. She's very thin. I've been giving her food every day, but it seems she hasn't been eating much," Heng replied, biting his lower lip and looking away.

"It's okay; she can be quite stubborn. Thank you for your efforts," I patted his shoulder and excused myself.

I stepped outside to find Becky, but she wasn't there. Perhaps, she had gone to the office. So, I entered the office, and Charlotte pointed me toward the restroom, which was surprisingly spacious with ten cubicles.

"Bec?" I called her name, but there was no response.

I caught the scent of a cigarette and rolled my eyes. I followed the scent and found Becky in one of the cubicles, sitting on the toilet with a cigarette in her hand.

"What's going on?" I asked sternly. "You said you'd wait outside, but when I came out, you were gone," I scolded her as I took the cigarette and extinguished it.

"Leave me alone; I want to be by myself," Becky said coldly.

"Why? Just because you can't feel pain doesn't mean you're immune. Smoking can still harm you, you know?" I retorted in frustration as I searched for more tobacco in her vest pocket.

"Now get out," Becky insisted.

"Why are you so mad? Tell me first, and then I'll leave," I persisted.

Reluctantly, Becky sighed and shook her head. She took the tobacco from my hand and lit it, exhaling the smoke in my face, which made me glare at her.

"This isn't your job, Freen. Stop meddling in my life. If I want to smoke, I will," she muttered without making eye contact.

"Fine, then," I conceded, taking one of the cigarettes and lighting it. I attempted to smoke, but my throat immediately felt dry, and I couldn't inhale the smoke, causing me to cough.

"Feeling tough, huh?" Becky chuckled, taking the cigarette from my hand. She stomped on both cigarettes and grabbed my jaw firmly, pressing her lips against mine.

Behind me, Becky locked the cubicle door while we engaged in a passionate kiss. She nibbled my lips, and I moved in harmony with her. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and she placed her arms on my neck. We savored every moment until we ran out of breath.

"This is better than smoking, right?" I suggested, our foreheads touching. "If you ever feel like smoking, just let me know. I'll join you."

"But we won't be smoking, right?" Becky chuckled, and I nodded.

"Your new addiction should be me, Becky," I said, gripping her waist and pulling her closer. "I want you to be addicted to me."

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