Chapter 25

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Trigger Warning: Blood ⚠️

Today, there were no classes, so Becky and I decided to spend the day in our room. I expressed my desire to get to know her better, and she didn't refuse.

I prepared some hot chocolate for both of us, but as I placed the mugs on the table, I accidentally slipped, spilling hot chocolate all over her hands. Becky immediately wiped her hands and blew on them, clearly in pain. I looked at her with furrowed brows, and she sighed as she realized that I had discovered her secret.

Becky could feel pain. She didn't have Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis (CIPA).

"Why?" I asked. "Why did you pretend not to feel any pain?"

"Isn't it more convenient to pretend that you don't feel pain so you won't have to explain why you're hurting?" Becky replied. "I don't like explaining why it hurts. It's not painful, though. You know what pained me the most?" She smiled and looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"When I heard that you kissed Billy. Finally, I got revenge. I told my men to abduct him, Freen. The man who killed your father and friend is now being tortured," she said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"My father? Billy killed my father?" I asked in frustration, my hands clenched into fists.

"Yes, it was an order from the neighboring state. Your father was my father's right-hand man. He trusted him so much and admired his brilliant ideas. Your father played a pivotal role in my father's success. He suggested normalizing the killings in the institution, can you believe it?" Becky explained.

"My father wouldn't do that. He wanted peace and a normal life," I protested.

"But after you were born, my father told me that your father changed. He didn't want to be associated with crimes. He wanted to be a decent man, so he resigned and served as our butler," Becky said, her voice filled with emotion. "Sorry, Freen. Sorry for taking your dad away from you."

"No," I said, shaking my head. "He did it to provide for me."

"But you know what? Your father always told me how beautiful and intelligent you are. Although you sometimes acted like a boy," Becky said, and we both chuckled. "He always told me that he wanted us to meet someday. He said you would help me if I just showed you my true intentions, but..." She lowered her head.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your father was accused of sexually harassing me. When I was a child, I had trouble sleeping, so he would hold me from behind to help me feel safe. He always did that, but the people who envied his position twisted it into something negative. They told my father everything and concocted a story that your father had threatened me to keep quiet. I was powerless to defend him." Becky looked at me with teary eyes. "I've never felt a father's love before, and then he came into my life. But they took him away from me. Billy was the one who ended your father's life after torturing him. They even burned his body, and I was there, crying my heart out, watching the only person who ever cared about me die because of me." Becky burst into tears, and I hugged her. "I'm sorry, Freen. I was powerless. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, okay?"

"After that, I became numb. I told everyone I couldn't feel pain. I diagnosed myself and became emotionless. But then you came into my life, Freen. And now you know the reason I didn't want to let you go. Your father was right. You are one of a kind, capable of brightening anyone's world," Becky said, burying her face in my chest. "Don't go, Freen. I can't bear to lose you again."

"I won't go, Bec. I won't leave." I stroked the back of her head as she sobbed.

My blood boiled after learning the truth. I had hoped that the burned corpse wasn't my father, but now the truth was clear. Whoever had done that to him had to pay.


Later in the afternoon, Becky took me to the place where they were keeping Billy. He was chained to a pillar, his face unrecognizable due to the swelling and blood.

"You can leave," Becky told her men, and they all nodded. She yanked Billy's hair and glared at him. "You dared to kill while I was away?"

"I'll kill anyone!" Billy shouted, so Becky punched him, causing him to cough up more blood. He laughed and looked at me.

I didn't want to witness people getting hurt, but Billy was no longer human. He was an animal.

Becky pulled out a small knife from her pocket and stabbed Billy on the left side where his heart was located.

"Let me check if you have one," she said, opening his chest.

I turned away and covered my ears so I wouldn't have to hear Billy's agonized screams. I was still too weak to watch what Becky was doing.

"F... Fuck you!" Billy yelled as he gasped for air.

I forced myself to look, and I saw Becky using her hand to retrieve something from inside Billy's body. I couldn't... I couldn't look, but I needed to witness this. This was for all the pain he had caused me, for killing my father, my friend, and tarnishing my reputation.

"Once the Armstrongs find out, you're done for, Becky!" Billy yelled.

"I don't care what they'll do. As long as I get my revenge on you," Becky said, digging deeper, and Billy screamed in pain.

I remembered Becky's promise that she wouldn't be allowed to kill Billy. That left me no choice.

"Let go, Becky," I urged.

"Why?" she asked in confusion.

"That's right, Freen. Becky will face serious consequences if she kills me," Billy chuckled.

"Then I'll do the honors," I said, tearing his heart out with all my might. Blood splattered on my face, and Billy gradually lost consciousness before dying.

I stumbled to the floor, my body trembling. Becky looked at me with a blank expression.

"Did I do well?" I asked, tears in my eyes.

Becky leaned in and sighed. "I was wrong, Freen. You can't be my carnage."

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