Chapter 11

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"That's all?" I asked when we finished moving all the boxes from the storage room to the venue.

"Yep, all for prom night. However, I'm still thinking about the competition happening the day after that," Billy said, plopping down on the cold floor. "Come sit beside me." He patted the floor, and I obliged.

"What competition are you considering?" I inquired.

"Something that all students can participate in. It wouldn't be fair if some students lacked the talent for a specific competition," he sighed and looked at me. "What do you think?"

"Hmm." I pondered. I didn't understand why Billy was fixated on this now. We could brainstorm it after a short rest. My body and mind were exhausted. "How about we organize five competitions with different categories? Sports, Writing, Speaking, Music, and Drawing. Each champion in every category gets a special privilege."

"Nice idea," he smiled. Billy stretched his arms and reclined, using my lap as a pillow. "Sorry, but I'm really tired these past few days. Can I rest for a while?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "What can I do? You're already lying down."

Billy playfully pinched my nose, causing me to slap his hand away. He closed his eyes and took a nap, while I gently stroked his hair. He was indeed handsome, and I wondered how many girls had fallen for him at this institution. Even Mind, one of the leaders of the Flower Manor, seemed to like him.

I sighed and gazed at the ceiling of the venue. I could already envision the disco ball, the vibrant lighting, and the students having a blast that night. And there I was, dancing with someone.

I shook my head to dispel such thoughts. I wasn't here for love; I was here for the money. I shouldn't let myself get carried away.

"Did I sleep too long?" Billy asked, sitting up and massaging his temple.

I wasn't sure; I had been lost in my daydreams.

Billy rose and offered me his hand to help me stand. I accepted willingly, finding his soft hand comforting.

"Shall we start with the ceiling?" he suggested.

"Sure," I smiled.

Billy paused for a moment, suppressing a smile and rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, curious.

"It's the first time I've seen you smile. Keep doing it; it suits you," he said, opening one of the boxes to continue decorating.


Late in the evening, Billy and I finished decorating the entire venue, so I decided not to return to my room. Becky was probably already asleep, and I didn't want to disturb her.

"Let's grab something to eat, and then I'll take you to your building," Billy offered, but I declined.

"I'll sleep in the office. I don't want to wake Becky up," I explained as we headed to the cafeteria.

"So, she's still in your room?" he asked.

"Yes, why?" I inquired. "By the way, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I just don't want to be taken advantage of."

"It's fine. If I were in your shoes, I'd do the same. Don't trust anyone, Freen, for your own safety," Billy said, playfully tousling my hair.

I swatted his hand away, and he chuckled.

While eating, we talked about Billy's family. I learned that he was an orphan and had been raised by someone. He had worked for the Armstrongs before, which is how he knew Becky so well.

"You worked for them?" I asked.

Billy sighed and nodded. "It was traumatic. I promised myself that when I grew up, I would never follow any of their orders."

"Let me guess, they made you do something awful?" I asked.

"Worse, they asked me to harm someone to save my foster dad," Billy's grip on the table tightened as he recounted the story. "I didn't know the man, but I had no choice."

I reached out and held his hand, and he softened at my touch. "I now understand why you dislike Becky so much. But Becky wasn't the one who ordered you to do that, right?" I asked.

"No, but she was there. She watched me do it. We were just kids, and she watched me kill someone." Billy's tears welled up, and he quickly wiped them away. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."

I sat beside him and hugged him. Billy let his guard down and returned the hug.

"I'm sorry for prying," I murmured. "It'll get better soon; you'll forget it."

I realized that in certain situations, fear could push people to their limits. Some may be forced to make unthinkable choices to protect their loved ones. Life over life, a grim trade-off. You have to choose to save someone by sacrificing another. In his shoes, I might have done the same—sacrificed myself rather than lose someone I loved.

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