Chapter 10

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Becky and I slept in my room, but every night there was an uncomfortable silence between us. She no longer hugged me, as she usually did, and I felt like I had deeply offended her with the name I called her.

I had assumed that she wouldn't be offended since others had used that name for her, but Becky made me realize that words could hurt her as well.

Why was I feeling guilty?

I shook my head and continued to eat. I had plans to go to the library and talk to Billy afterward. But before I could finish my meal, someone took a seat across from me. I turned to see a woman with a sly smile.

"You must be Freen?" she asked. "Sorry for being late, I'm Amanda." She extended her hand.

For some reason, even though she was beautiful, I had a feeling there was something off about her. It was as if she were here to feed me nonsense.

"How do you know me?" I asked.

"You're Becky's candidate, right?" Amanda asked, chuckling. "You're quite well-known, the only newbie who caught the President's eye."

I had forgotten that Becky was the school's president since she never seemed busy.

"Really? She didn't seem busy."

"Because she's not the one doing the job. She always delegates the work and just tells us what to do," Amanda explained.

"So, what's the purpose of your visit? If it's about Becky, I'm not interested." I crossed my arms.

"You can't escape," Amanda smirked, leaning back in her chair.

I felt two hands on my shoulders, preventing me from standing up. I rolled my eyes when I saw her minions.

"So, it's about Becky again?" I sighed. "Tell me quickly, I have things to do."

"Stay away from her," Amanda said.

"As if I'm the one pursuing her. You should tell her that instead, to stop chasing me," I retorted, glaring at her.

Instead of a response, she slapped me hard, causing people in the cafeteria to stare, and they quickly left.

"You're playing dumb, Freen. You know she likes those who play hard to get. Stay away from her and beg for your life. That's the only way she'll let you go!" Amanda yelled, her fists clenched.

I chuckled when I realized the true reason behind her actions. I laughed and tried to move, but her henchmen held me back.

"You like Becky?" I asked, chuckling. "Poor you, she doesn't like you." I laughed.

Amanda's henchman grabbed my hair, making me grimace in pain.

"I'll make you suffer once you agree to become her pawn. That place should be mine," Amanda seethed and signaled for her minions to release me.

However, as she was leaving, Becky entered the cafeteria, her expression furious. She glared at Amanda.

"Follow me," she said and turned her back.

Amanda shot me a last irritated look before reluctantly following Becky. What had I done? Was it my fault that Amanda approached me in public? Maybe someone had already informed Becky about the situation.

I whistled as I handed my tray to the server.

"Ma'am," she said, causing me to stop.

"Why?" I asked.

"Becky isn't all bad. I know you don't have to trust me, but she's not always cruel. Maybe you could help her," she said, bowing her head.

"You're right, I don't trust you. She might be paying you to say that," I responded.

The server shook her head and vehemently waved her hands. "She didn't pay me. I was bullied when I came from District 12. She helped me. I thought I owed her something, but she ignored me afterward and never mistreated me."

"We're in different situations. She might have been good to you for a reason, but she'll never be that nice to me," I said before leaving the cafeteria to meet with Billy.

I needed to discuss the task with him. The head told us to plan an event that would benefit all the students. However, as I was walking, all the students' eyes were on me.

Perhaps, I should just ignore those people on the way because they clearly had no good intentions.


"You're here," Billy said, motioning for me to enter his office. "Your cheeks are swollen."

"I know," I replied and took a seat on the couch.

"Have you eaten?" he asked, concerned.

"Yes," I replied. "Anyways, why didn't you ask the council instead of me? What are they doing?"

"They are occupied with another task.  So, do you have any suggestions?" Billy asked.

"That would benefit everyone?" I thought for a moment. "How about a prom? Since violence is common in this institution, the prom night could be a time for students to have fun. If someone causes trouble, there will be consequences."

"Noted. What about in the morning?" Billy inquired.

"Give them time to choose their outfits. You're too strict with the schedule," I suggested.

"You make a good point. I have a suggestion for the next day," Billy said, closing his notebook and turning to me. "We could have a competition, and there will be five winners. Those who win will be protected from any harm throughout the year."

"That sounds like a good idea," I commented. "Is there anything else?"

"The head also asked us to prepare for the events we might think of," he said, smiling warmly.

I didn't know he could smile.

"When do we start?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Starting today," he said, standing up as well. "Let's plan everything we need to do so that everything will be ready for the weekend."

"Fine," I agreed.

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