Chapter 9

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I was busy searching for a book that contains the history of the university because I no longer wanted to rely on anyone else. I had grown tired of listening to others without knowing who was telling the truth.

"There it is," I whispered to myself when I found the state history section. If I wasn't mistaken, the state to which District 10 belonged was owned by the Armstrong family.

I immediately looked it up and found their family tree. However, I couldn't find Becky on the tree, and there was a young boy listed under Robert's name—Richard, who I assumed was Becky's brother. Perhaps that's why Becky wasn't on the family tree; she was too young to be included.

After reading Robert's biography, I realized it was already evening. I had lost track of time while searching for the book.

As I walked down a quiet alley, I heard footsteps approaching. I turned around, but there was no one in sight, and the footsteps had stopped.

My heart began to race. It was getting late, and there were no other students around. I had chosen the alley as a shortcut to my dorm, but now I felt vulnerable.

As I continued walking, I heard more footsteps. This time, I was sure there were three people following me. I clenched my chest, realizing that even though I knew self-defense, I couldn't handle three assailants at once. I needed to escape, but I was worried that running would only provoke my stalkers.

"Why did you stop?" a voice behind me said. I turned around to see someone strike my neck, and my vision went black.


I woke up feeling dizzy and realized I was chained to the rooftop's railing. Three unfamiliar people were sitting nearby.

"Feeling entitled, huh?" said the brunette girl as she stood up. She slapped me hard, numbing my senses. It was a heavy blow. Damn her!

"You think Becky will help you, right? Sad to say, she doesn't even know you're here," the other two girls laughed.

As if I would ever ask Becky for help, even if my life depended on it.

"Here you are," Becky's voice suddenly rang out, making the other girls shake with fear then run.

Becky grabbed the girl who had slapped me by the hand. "I was just trying to tell her not to give you more headaches. I was convincing her to be your carnage," the girl stammered.

"Really?" Becky asked me. I nodded slowly. I knew that if she caught the girl in a lie, she might kill her, and I didn't want that.

"Give me the key," Becky said, and the girl handed it over. Before letting her go, Becky slapped her hard and motioned for her to run.

"I'm not a damsel in distress," I muttered as Becky freed me from the chains.

"I didn't say you were," Becky replied.

I flinched when Becky touched my face. Not from any electrifying sensation, but because it hurt.

"Did that girl hurt you this badly?" Becky asked. "Did I mention that no one should harm my carnage? If she did, she wasn't trying to convince you, was she?"

"Please don't hurt them," I urged.

"I won't, but you will," Becky said, smirking. "These torments won't stop until you agree to become my pawn, Freen. You'll have power, and no one can touch you. Doesn't that appeal to you?"

"No, thank you, Becky. I don't want to harm people. I'm not a psychopath like you," I hissed and tried to walk past her, but she grabbed my hand and slapped me.

I was surprised. I thought Becky didn't want to hurt me because she wanted me as an ally.

I turned to her, holding the cheek she had slapped.

Becky seized my jaw, and I was too tired to resist. She was incredibly strong.

"Call me a psychopath again, and I'll forget that you are my candidate. Call me, Freen. I dare you," her words were stern.

I fell silent and she removed her hands from my face. She glared at me with anger in her eyes.

"This is your final warning. I'm not kind to anyone, not even to you. So, think carefully, and when I ask you again, be sure to give your answer." Becky left me with a heavy heart.

I punched the ground out of frustration because I couldn't do anything to fight her. I felt utterly powerless. If only I could turn the tables on her, I'd get my revenge on Becky.

You can't keep me down forever.

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