A beautiful creature

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Sirius didn't know what to say to this beautiful mermaid he just found this mermaid s beautiful he couldn't take his eyes off him and did not know what to say at all since he was just in the boat he didn't know if he should go more forward to the mermaid or not but he just found the mermaid so breath-taking even though he didn't look like the same as all of the other mermaids that he has heard from other people over the years about mermaids. he dreamt about meeting a mermaid and he finally did.

The mermaid was very scared he had short light brown hair and his eyes were amber they were beautiful as the ocean itself however he had scars on his face you could see that he had some abs on his stomach but they were hard to see on his naked stomach and finally he had a light grey mermaid tail in parts it looked broken and that some bits were missing from his tail but the two were still looking at each and the mermaid asked Sirius again in a scared shaken tone in his voice "Who are you!?"

Sirius sighed a bit before speaking "It's okay I'm not here to hurt you or anything I'm Sirius Black I'm a pirate my captain and the crew were going to see you mermaids in the morning because earlier the captain came out here to see if anything was out here and there was and I couldn't wait for morning to come and needed to see one and I'm happy I did now...." The mermaid still looked scared but not as scared as before he noticed the many badges on Sirius' jacket but he didn't say anything Sirius noticed that the mermaid saw his badges on his jacket so he smiled a bit but said nothing.

The two said nothing for a bit it was quiet the only thing you could hear was the ocean waves it was silent for some minutes until Sirius realized he didn't have the mermaid's name so he spoke up "I don't know your name you only know mine. So what is your name?" The mermaid was a bit hesitant at first to tell Sirius his name but he felt like he could trust this young man he would open his mouth slowly before he spoke and gave Sirius an answer "My name is...Remus Lupin...."

Sirius found that name so beautiful for a mermaid like him he smiled a tiny bit "That is a beautiful and amazing name Remus" Remus was taken aback by what Sirius said to him but he smiled a tiny bit "Why thank you....but your name is more beautiful for sure...." Sirius would smile more at Remus.

It was nice that it was just the two in the ocean in the night Remus couldn't believe he met a pirate and Sirius couldn't believe he met a mermaid the two talked for some good hours it was coming into the earlier hours in the morning Remus really liked Sirius company while Sirius felt like he was able to be heard by someone else that isn't well James but Sirius knew that he had to get back to the ship before the rest of the crew or James knew he has been gone for most of the night.

"Hey Remus was nice talking to you and everything but I need to get back to my ship before anyone realizes that I have been gone for so long" Sirius would say in a friendly tone in his voice before Remus looked up and understood why Sirius had to go "Alright then Sirius! I hope I get to see you again in the morning!" Sirius would smile at Remus once again "Me too I hope so as well..." The two would look at each other one last time before Sirius would ride off back to the ship. But Remus watched Sirius ride off until he couldn't see him anymore but he had a feeling that he never had before.

Once Sirius got back to the ship and was on the port he looked around quickly to see if anyone else from the crew was awake he would sigh in relief when he saw no one was around but as quickly as that relief was there it was gone because Sirius heard a voice of one James Potter behind him so Sirius turned around to see James annoyed face "Hey Jamesssss...."

James would sigh quite loudly and annoyed "You have to be kidding me, Sirius!? You went out to sea in the night and you thought I wouldn't know!?" Sirius was sweating a bit "I mean for a second you didn't know until I heard your voice like two seconds ago. But could I not go out in the middle of the night to see a mermaid mate!" James would shake his head to Sirius and sigh "Sometimes I hate it when you don't listen to me!" The two friends looked at each other for some minutes until Sirius had enough of James going at him "You know what I'm going to go to sleep and you can give me a punishment in the morning night mate."

Sirius would then go to his cabin before James could say anything else to him because Sirius knew the longer he was there the two would get into a fight and wake up the rest of the crew so he didn't want that to happen while James sighed there so annoyed sometimes he just gives up with Sirius because of the things he does but he understands it's how he acts and the only way he can be himself but sometimes James just couldn't understand Sirius and the things he does it's always been like that so he would back to the cabin and went back to sleep.

However, Sirius was laying there wide awake in his cabin room he couldn't sleep all he could remember was that beautiful mermaid and how he looked but most importantly his name so Sirius would put his hands behind his head and close his eyes before opening his mouth because only one name came to his mind right away at that moment "Remus...."

A high sea adventureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin