A brother helping out the other

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The next week James and Sirius came back to land a week earlier than they were meant to they only did this because James saw sad and down Sirius was so just thought it would be better for them both but when they came off the ship James saw Lily talking to Snape they were giggling and telling jokes James would say nothing that was when Sirius came off the ship and saw James reaction he would smile a tiny bit "It will get better in the long run mate they are probably just friend and there is no way Lily would date Snivellus" James would laugh a tiny bit before he spoke "Yeah that is probably true." The two friends would start to get the stuff off the ship and then walk away from the ship James was trying to keep Sirius happy but he knew that he couldn't do that forever though so when they were walking they noticed Marlene and the guy that she was with.

Marlene noticed the two boys so she went over to them to talk to them but Mike didn't follow Marlene because Mary knew if she did go up to Sirius and James in her disguise they would recognize her and everything would get ruined so she just stayed where she was but Marlene would speak with them "Hey you two welcome back!" Sirius would smile a bit while James would speak to Marlene "Hey Marlene! And thanks! I honestly don't think a lot of people noticed we were gone." Marlene would giggle a bit before she spoke "I mean yeah not a lot of people noticed that you two were gone. But I have to ask why are you two back a week early. Did you find the mermaid or?" That was when Sirius' smile went and walked off from James and Marlene that was when James sighed a bit and then looked at Marlene "We didn't find the mermaid at all we looked everywhere and Sirius got upset so I thought it was a good idea to come back early however when we were coming back we thought a couple of time we thought we saw him but no we didn't." Marlene nodded her head to James to what he said she felt a bit bad about what she asked but she only asked because she just wanted to know what had happened and why the two were back a week early that was all.

While Sirius had walked off a royal staff member noticed him so they went over to him however Sirius didn't realize the royal staff member since he was still walking but the royal staff member was in front of him so he finally did and he looked confused but he would speak to the royal staff member "Look I'm not in the mood to deal with you royal people today just leave me b-" That was when the royal staff member would cut Sirius off "King Regulus has asked me to come and get you he wants to talk to you at the castle it is important." Sirius raised an eyebrow to the royal staff member but he would speak again "Why would my brother ask to speak to me?" The staff member then spoke a bit more bluntly "I cannot say why he does it in public Sirius just come with me." Sirius decided not to argue and would follow the royal staff member to the castle.

Once they got to the castle the royal staff member took Sirius to Regulus' bedroom they opened up the door for Sirius and he talked into the bedroom then the royal staff member closed the door so the two brothers could talk. Regulus was sitting on his bed and he noticed Sirius "Oh Sirius dear brother you are here! Right um, take a seat." Sirius walked over to where Regulus was but he didn't sit down at all he just stayed standing up then smirked a bit at Regulus but Regulus just sighed a bit and then spoke "Look I need your help with something Sirius." Sirius was taken aback by what Regulus said: "Why are you asking me for help?" Regulus would go silent for some seconds before he spoke "A week ago in the night...two assassins came and were trying to kill me..." That was when Sirius was more shocked and taken aback by what Regulus said he knew it was a good idea to not sit down that was when Regulus noticed the look on Sirius' face and he wasn't surprised by the look "Yeah...so can you help me out?" Sirius had to take a couple of seconds to process this before he spoke again once he processed all of this information he would speak to Regulus "Well we could switch clothes and pretend to be each other." Regulus looked at Sirius "What no!? I'm not doing that Sirius!" Sirius sighed a bit he didn't want to argue with his brother right now at this moment at this time so he just spoke calmly "Look no one knows that we have you still probably have our wigs when we pretended to be each other that one time as a joke on April fools day." Regulus was getting a bit annoyed at this "I am not doing this idea, Sirius! Do you have any other ideas!?" Sirius just looked at Regulus "Look Reggie I am not in the mood to argue with you or anything like that. This is my only idea to make sure you don't get killed because I care for you and I have nothing else to live for okay." Regulus gets quiet and he just nods his head to Sirius.

That was when Sirius would smile and then speak in an upbeat tone like what he said didn't happen at all "Anyway! Go and get the wigs we are changing clothes right here right now Reggie come on!" Regulus was still taken a bit aback by Sirius' change of mood but he decided to say nothing about it but he would speak "Alright then Sirius I will get them and we will both change clothes right here quickly then I will go with the royal staff member who took you here Sirius. Alright?" Sirius smiled some more and nodded his head to Regulus that was when Regulus went to his closet and got the wigs he gave one of the wigs to Sirius and he put the other wig on now the two started to look like the other and couldn't help laugh a bit while they were taking off their clothes and putting on the others clothes now they looked like each except for one thing the beard and no beard thing that was when Regulus thought of an idea he would go into his closet to find a fake beard that looked likes Sirius and he puts it on that was when Sirius couldn't help and burst out of laughter Regulus knew it was a good idea that was when Sirius realized so he would speak up "Don't say I'm going to shave my beard off!" Regulus then laughed a bit "No! Why would I make you do that!? Here take this!" he then threw something at Sirius and he caught it and was confused about what it was that was when he looked at Regulus confused that was when Regulus spoke, "It's a thing where you can hide your beard so you look like me idiot." Sirius then looked at it again and was amazed by this but he put the thing on and it made his beard not be there that was when the two looked at each other and then hugged each other.

The two hugged each other for some seconds then they stopped hugging each other that was when Regulus spoke "Good luck Sirius...just be careful please..." Sirius couldn't help but look at Regulus but he would speak to him with a soft tone in his voice "I will be and good luck to you too bro and if something does happen to me I will be fine knowing that you will be safe Reggie." Regulus was quite concerned by what Sirius said he didn't know what to say however he had a feeling there was a double meaning in what his brother said he would nod his head to Sirius but that was when the two would hug again but it was longer this time round the two didn't want to let the other go however when the two did let go off each other the two looked at each other for some seconds before Regulus would walk over to the door and was about to open it up but before Regulus did he would turn around to look at Sirius one last time "I will see you at some point Sirius dear brother." that was when Sirius was trying to keep his tears in but he would speak while making sure he didn't break down into tears "Yeah see ya at some point Regulus brother." that was when Regulus opened up the bedroom door and walked out of it then closed it that was when Sirius finally broke down into tears seeing his baby brother go.

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