Relationships are being broken

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Two days had gone by and James was finally going to deal with Lily head on so he had gone to their shared house knowing Marlene would be there as well so once he had walked into that house Lily was standing there upset and angry and with Marlene's help she found all of the letters that were from Regulus and put it in a huge folder before James' eyes looked at Lily he saw the huge folder he was impressed but concerned of how long it took the two girls to find all of the letters at the same time but that was when he would look at Lily.

Lily was staring right at James and picked up the folder "YOU WEREN'T GOING TO TELL ME!?" James didn't know what to say he felt so bad that he did this to Lily but Lily was still looking at James "WAS I NOTHING TO YOU JAMES!?" James would then speak "You were something to me, Lily! I'm just stupid and thinking that I needed something else but I do love you!" Lily wasn't buying what James was saying "THEN WHY DID YOU GO BEHIND MY BACK WITH A GUY THAT WAS THE FUCKING KING!?" That was when James said "Because of the bloody rush! I haven't felt that in months with you Lily! Okay!? I decided to do it! I know you can't forgive me right now but one day you will be able to I felt like this relationship wasn't giving me anything maybe we weren't talking to each other about what we want or what I don't know!" Lily stopped looking at James then sighed she knew that he was right so she sat down on one of the chairs while James was still standing up but he spoke "So...?" Lily then looked at James again "Take your stuff that is near the door it's packed up and get out of this house I don't want to see your face anymore." James was so shocked by that "Wait you're saying we are on a break!?" Lily's look then turned into a glare "Yes I am. So take your stuff and leave." James didn't know what to say so he just nodded his head and took his stuff then left the house that the pair shared.

James had to take all of his stuff to Sirius' place but he just said nothing Sirius noticed James with his stuff so he went over to him and helped him with taking his stuff and put them next to the couch and hugged James and James would hug Sirius back the two would stop hugging each other after the hug was only for some seconds Sirius took James over to the couch and sat him down Sirius would ask James what happened and James told him what happened and while listening Sirius was shocked and had his eyes were widen he didn't know what to say as well so James just sighed a bit then looked at Sirius "Can I live here with you for a bit mate...?" Sirius looked at James "Of course you can mate I sort of need the company anyway." he then smiled and James smiled back however that was when Sirius spoke again "You still have the ship right?" James understood why Sirius asked that question "Yeah I do we are on a break until we figure out what we want and that." Sirius would nod his head to James.

James would then have to ask Sirius "So where's the bathroom? So I can go and have a shower." Sirius couldn't help but laugh before he spoke "It's upstairs the room before my room mate." James nodded his head and he knew he would be sleeping on Sirius' couch and didn't mind that so James got up from the couch and went to the bathroom once Sirius saw James was gone he hugged his knees Sirius missed Remus so much he had never felt this way for anyone at all but for Remus, it was different that mermaid made Sirius feel something quickly different and he just didn't know why at all but these feeling we all so new to him and didn't know what to do at all.

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