A very dark plan

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It was now night time around eight or nine pm the castle gates were open and the bridge was completely out so many people were going through the castle gates everyone was wearing suits and dresses some either wearing the chosen outfit they wanted Regulus was a king who was trying to make the process and let people be who they want to be when it comes to their identity and sexuality at the front of the castle gates there were some pride flags so many people from the little city thought it was the best thing ever that the black family has ever made due to how the family can be like and Sirius noticed the flags while walking through the castle gates with Remus however Sirius was quite surprised by the pride flags but he decided to say nothing about it.

However, since the castle was near the forest three people were much deeper in the forest only one of them was going to the castle for the ball after this meeting the person who was meant to be going to the ball was wearing a suit with a tie and shoes however he had pale blond hair however he would notice the two people one was an assassin however he looked a bit shaken and scared but the other was a female and was wearing all black she had the same hair color as Sirius and Regulus but she had more of a witch look more than anything but the guy with pale blond hair looked at both of them and opened his mouth "Can we just get this over with I'm meant to meet up with Narcissa to go into the ball that is in the castle." The girl would smirk a bit "Alright then Lucius." The other guy who was there didn't say anything he just decided to stand there however Lucius was the next in line for the throne since he was dating Narcissa and would be marrying her one day so he knew the girl quite well.

The girl looked at the two boys before speaking again "We all know most of the people in our part of this town don't like this new king and it should be you on the throne instead Lucius because you know what you are doing and would be a much better king for this place!" Lucius smirked a bit while looking at the girl "Why of course and Narcissa would be a wonderful queen people don't like this new king or a lover by his side like all other kings have had in your family." The girl giggled a bit but it wasn't a normal giggle or laugh it was more of an insane one you could also hear a voice that was a siren-like voice however it was hard to tell if it was or not "That's when you come in Pettigrew!" She then pointed to the person who was standing there "When we have dirt on this king and a reason for everyone on our side of town we want you to get rid of King Regulus!" Pettigrew would then open up his mouth to speak he was a little bit shaken by this "M-M-Me..? Why m-m-me..?" Lucius then would speak up "It's because you are someone that no one would think of doing regicide on the king!" the girl would smirk and nod her head in agreement with Lucius.

Pettigrew just sighed a tiny bit "F-F-Fine..." the girl then gave an almost insane smile "You will get a piece of paper from Severus and he will give it to you the said piece of paper will tell you it is time to start this plan. Alright?" Pettigrew nodded his head to the girl while Lucius was smiling quite a bit as well Pettigrew wasn't sure of what to say but he had somewhat of a gut feeling to get out of this but there was no way he could at this point before he was about to speak the girl noticed Lucius look "You can go now Lucius, Narcissa is for sure waiting for you." Lucius looked at the girl a bit "Alright I will write to you later. Goodbye you too this has been a nice conversation." once he said that he would turn around and walk the way he came into where they were in the forest.

It was just the girl and Pettigrew now in the forest but the girl went up near to Pettigrew's face "If you mess this up Pettigrew I will make sure everyone in our town won't hire you again if you mess this up so badly there is a reason why we decided to give you this job alright and if you dare say me and Lucius asked you to do this we will make your life hell. Alright. Pettigrew?" She said all of this with an insane smile on her face but all Pettigrew did was nod his head he was always scared of this girl a lot of people in their part of town were scared of this then the girl would start walking away from Pettigrew "Good. This was a nice chat Pettigrew bye!" The girl walked away the way she came from in the forest Pettigrew was the only one still there but he sighed a bit not sure what to think about at all but he decided to walk out of the route of the forest he knew quite well however the whole time he stay quiet while walking past people when he was out of the forest all of the people just looked at Pettigrew but he didn't care once the last load of guests were in the castle gates closed.

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