One love for another love

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On the other side of the town, a lot of people noticed that a lot of ships were coming in and out it was that time of year when people were leaving to go somewhere else for a bit and others were coming into the town but some noticed the ship that had a sign saying "In use for other reasons" no one knew why but ship was The Amazing Lily Potter aka James' ship however that wasn't people were worried about the thing that people were worried about was that the princess Mary has ran away her from the town that she is the princess from no one knew why she decided to say this but only the princess herself and only her.

Marlene was helping to get people's stuff on the ship but she did notice that some assassins were going to get away with lovers she knew that some were assassins since she was the gossip girl in the town but she kept that kind of thing close to her chest just in case she needs to use that information but once she was no longer needed she would walk away because she honestly had enough she was walking to the bar. After all, she went to find and see if James and Sirius were there but Marlene noticed someone who was a boy but she felt like the boy looked like the princess who ran away from the town she was from so Marlene decided to go over to the boy.

The boy was just walking he knew that he wouldn't get noticed by anyone but little did anyone know that the boy was Princess Mary who ran away from her town she listened to King Regulus' advice that he told her on that night of the ball she wanted to be her person and have her own life and so since she has to stay low so she decided to look and dress up as a boy however Mary didn't know that Marlene would notice her due to how she looked by her cheeks and some of her other body parts so when Marlene came over to Mary who was in disguise Marlene would stop Mary in her tracks and would open up her mouth to speak "Hey are you someone that I know?" Mary would stop walking and look at Marlene "No I'm not. But I may have reminded of you someone maybe?" Marlene sighed a bit "Maybe but you do look like a girl I met her name is Mary she is a princess of another town but she ran away and no one knows where she is." Mary would look at Marlene a bit "Ah right then makes sense why you thought I was her then." Marlene was looking at the guy and couldn't help but think he was Mary "Anyway want to join at the bar? I was going to try to find two people I know because I haven't seen them because of a mermaid." Mary was a bit confused by what Marlene was saying "Sure I will join you. But I'm a bit confused about what you said about a mermaid?" Marlene smiled a bit at Mary "Yay! And this mermaid is sort of special to one of them so they are trying to find this mermaid because Bellatrix who is a witch and a siren as well exposed him and ran away so now the two are trying to see if anyone has seen the mermaid or anything." Once Marlene said that she started to walk and Mary would walk with Marlene and they would keep on talking about different things while they were walking.

When they were getting near to the bar Mary was starting to remember seeing a mermaid but she wasn't quite sure it was the mermaid that Marlene was talking about either way Mary told Marlene her name was Mike and some story of why she came here so she could hide who she is and the real reason why she is back here but Marlene noticed that Mary who was going by Mike now stopped walking so spoke up "Hey Mike why did you stop walking?" Mike would look at Marlene "I think on the ship I was on while traveling I may have seen a mermaid." Marlene looked a bit surprised "Do you know what the mermaid's tail colour was?" Mike was a bit confused about why Marlene was asking "It was a light grey colour and the mermaid had scars on his face." Marlene knew who it was so she was amazed by this "Mike that is the mermaid that my two friends are looking for! Come on I need to tell them we are nearly at the bar so if they are there I can tell them!" Mike would nod his head to Marlene and the two would start walking again to the bar.

Once they got to the bar and went inside they saw how busy and lively it was so Marlene knew it would be hard to find the two boys Mike saw how busy was and didn't want to get caught so Mike would make up an excuse to Marlene of why he couldn't stay Marlene brought the lie and said bye and that was when Mike went out of the bar.

Marlene tried her best to find the two boys so Marlene would search around the whole bar as best as she could a few times before giving up and leaving the bar she heard a voice it was a bit hard to hear however she was wondering if that voice could be James or Sirius' by she wasn't sure so she would get past by the people before she saw that a whole corner of the bar was being used Marlene noticed that the two boys were wearing their pirate outfits and that their swords were standing to one side Marlene was confused what was going but she got closer to see on the table that they had a map on it along with James' pirate captains hat and some empty cups around the table as well so Marlene would decide to get the boys attention "How long have you two been in the bar?" James and Sirius would look up to see Marlene but Sirius would speak up "Some hours now? Why are you asking Marlene?" Marlene would just sigh "Well someone saw a mermaid who has a little grey tail along with scars on their face." Sirius eyes light up "Marlene do you where he was going at all!?" Marlene was looking at the two still "No someone just told me he saw the mermaid that is all Sirius." That was when Sirius looked at James and James looked back at Sirius he put his captain pirate hat on "I'm going to get the stuff on the ship mate then we are going and see if we can find him! Alright?" James said that while rolling the map that was on the table Sirius smiled at James "Alright mate!" James got his sword and put the map in his pocket and went out of the bar to do what he wanted to do.

Marlene noticed Sirius and she took a seat at the table and sighed so loudly annoyed and just that was when Sirius would look to see where Marlene was sitting and then speak "You alright Marlene?" Marlene looks at Sirius "Nope! I think I have fallen in love with Princess Mary!" Sirius sighs a bit "So fell in love with someone that you can't love then? Yeah know that too well..." Marlene raises an eyebrow at Sirius "What do you mean by that Sirius?" That was when Sirius got up from his chair and picked his sword up "I fell in love with that mermaid Marlene he made me feel things I haven't felt in ages...I thought I couldn't love anyone due to what my family made me think that you must find a wife and be part of the family...but the sea has always called to me and now I know why..." Marlene thought for some seconds but then spoke: "Sirius so many of us want to be in the ocean and our hearts can't ever be there but for you, the ocean was your freedom your escape you see that your heart will always be to the ocean because that's why you found love while everyone else didn't they found it on land you have always been different to all of us but times are changing so I have a feeling James will make me the new captain when he sees what I can do." Sirius couldn't help but laugh a bit at what Marlene said "Thanks for that Marlene I sort of needed that but who knows he may will or not but we won't know until he does anyway I should get going so see ya." Marlene smiled a bit "Yeah your welcome Sirius and see you." Sirius then walked out and left the bar while Marlene sat there by herself.

Sirius had walked to the ship and James had put up a new sign saying "Will be gone for three weeks" Sirius noticed and looked at James a bit and James looked back at Sirius "I know what you thinking mate look if we are going to find the mermaid you have feelings for we need to make it an adventure that it is worthy for if we don't find him or we do." Sirius knew was right "Okay yeah your right there James." Sirius would then get onto the ship and put the plank onto the ship James couldn't help laughing "LET'S GO LOVER BOY AND FIND YOUR MERMAID CRUSH!!!!" Sirius couldn't help but laugh "Alright mate let's go! We going on a best-friend adventure!!!!" James would get over to the wheel and drive the ship away from the town and to where they first met the mermaids and Remus,

However, little did they know Lucius had been overhearing them this whole and was writing a letter once he was done with that letter he went over to the ocean and sang a song that no one else could understand Bellatrix came up that was when Lucius gave her the letter Bellatrix quickly read it she smiled insanely then went back into the ocean Lucius smiled a bit then walked off.

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