Two worlds coming together

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The very next day came quickly Sirius only got some hours of sleep he couldn't stop turning and tossing in his sleep he couldn't stop thinking about Remus but Sirius got up from bed and came out of the cabin, he saw James talking to the rest of the crew about meeting the mermaids but he needed to say something else to the crew but waited for Sirius to get up so Sirius would walk over to the rest of the crew and James a bit confused about what is going on.

James noticed that Sirius was finally awake "Great Sirius you are awake I was waiting for you so I could say the other important thing!" Sirius nodded his head slowly to James then he sat on a barrel James smiled a bit before he said his other important thing "I got a message from the young prince Regulus Black and he is asking us to come back to sea tomorrow for his crowning as king and he wants us to be there and see it happen!" The crew was so surprised and happy about this that they were wondering when the crowning of the new king would happen while Sirius said nothing he was just quiet from what James said.

James would then remember something "One last thing! Some of you will be staying with Sirius to clean the ship it is a punishment only for Sirius since he left the ship at night and so I think it is a good idea for some of you to help him out with cleaning the whole ship since I know some of you are not that keen to see the mermaids." Sirius was even more silent he just gave James a cold stare so many things were going through the young man's mind this was the last thing he needed James did notice Sirius' cold stare and how quiet he was but the man didn't say anything about it.

Once James and the crew that went to see the mermaids left it was only Sirius and the crew members who didn't want to see the mermaids on the ship and clean the ship up and down Sirius would only do a little bit of the cleaning his mind was in other places so there was no way he could focus not with the fact they were meant to be leaving sea today at night he felt like his heart was breaking into so many pieces he wanted to cry so badly he felt like he was about to explode he loved the sea but a short sea adventure because of his brother that's what he hated the most about all of this so he decided to sit down on a barrel that was near to the front of the ship.

Sirius sighed he didn't know what he was feeling right now in this moment at time "Can't even bloody focus...." Sirius would put his hands on his knees he was just trying to get his thoughts together but he just couldn't so he would spit into a cup not even caring right now "Bloody hell! Why now!? Out of all the times Regulus you get crowned while I'm out on sea!? What some kind of brother you are!" Sirius spit once again but it was onto the floor this time round he was just so annoyed about this "You're even making us come back for it this will be the shortest adventure ever! And that's the most annoying part! Worse timing and brother ever!" He would growl a bit "And the fact James said that so causally is the bit that is annoying me the most out of all of that just ugh!" Sirius would then kick something he was just so mad and annoyed he was trying to calm down but he was thinking so many things at once so he just couldn't calm down one bit at this moment.

Some hours had passed Sirius was walking back and forwards quickly he was still trying to calm down but nothing was helping him at all he wished he could see Remus again before leaving tonight he was muttering and mumbling under his breath some of the crew members that were with him could hear him say some swear words he only says swear words when he was this annoyed and mad "I hate that I can't go and see Remus the most! That blo-" Sirius heard some sounds from the ocean water.

Sirius quickly went over to the front of the ship and looked over to see Remus there in the sea he couldn't believe his eyes he was so surprised "REMUS!" Remus looked up and noticed Sirius "Sirius your here! I needed to see you before you left! I overheard your captain talking to some of the mermaids so I had to come here immediately!" Sirius was just happy to see Remus again but he had to get down there "Hang on I'm coming down!" Remus was confused about how Sirius could since there was only one small boat but Sirius knew there was more than one small boat, not one so he got into one of the other small boats he would pulled it down and he quickly rode his way to Remus.

Once Sirius got to Remus the two were looking straight at each other again Remus was able to see Sirius' black eye colour and his black hair the two were happy to see each other again neither of them wanted this to be the last time that they could see each other they felt so many mixed feelings this time round when they were looking at each other Remus would start to cry a bit "I can't believe that I won't be able to see you anymore...." Sirius was shocked by what Remus said but he wiped away his tears he didn't want this beautiful creature to cry in front of him "It's okay....maybe you can follow us back maybe...?"

Remus would slowly shake his head to Sirius "I can't because of fin I even had a hard time swimming here to you so there would be no way I would be able to...." Sirius was trying to figure out a way for Remus to still be with him and he felt like he didn't have a lot of ideas in this situation he felt like he couldn't do anything he didn't want to lose Remus not now he was just getting to know him and get along with him however Remus sighed sadly "There's nothing you can do....we will just be like this....far apart..." Sirius felt like his heart was breaking even more he was thinking in some way he could have Remus with him until he hit him "What about I sneak you onto the ship and you will be able to still be with me and we will be able to get to know each other more and all of that Remus!"

Remus was so shocked by what Sirius said "Sirius are you crazy!? I could hurt and you could get in trouble!" Sirius looked at Remus right in his eyes "Do you have any better ideas? Because that is the only idea that I have Remus." Remus knew that he didn't have any other better ideas nor did Sirius it was a risky idea but he wanted to be away from that island and all of the other mermaids so he sighed deeply "Alright we will do it...but we need to do it quickly because I don't know when your captain is coming back" Sirius would nod his head to Remus.

Sirius was smiling a lot but Remus tried his best to get into the small boat without Sirius' help but he helped Remus out into the boat and Sirius rode back up to the ship and pulled the small boat as well back up to the ship then he would get out of the small before picking Remus up the two looked at each other for a few seconds before going into the cabin rooms and going to Sirius' cabin Remus was so amazed of the ship he has never seen a place like this before in his life.

When the two got to Sirius' cabin he put Remus on his bed then he got a bowl that was from James' room that he still had before it reminded him of the whole great squid stuff but the bowl was big enough for Remus to put his fin in Remus would blush a bit he didn't know what to say to Sirius' kindness to him Sirius would smile a bit "I should probably get back to the top of the ship before James and the others get back I will probably be back when we are going back to land so I will see you in a bit" Remus would nod his head to Sirius before he talked out of his cabin and back up to the upper deck of the ship.

Remus didn't know what to feel he felt like someone that wasn't his kind finally cared for him but he couldn't start to explain what he was feeling this was new for him Remus never had someone care for him in any way but he saw that Sirius was different in so many ways and he just doesn't know why.

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