A wonderful event but a friendship being ripped into pieces as well

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It was the day of the events it was seven in the morning the town was getting set up for the event and the ship was just being cleaned down the cleaning of the ship was normally done three or four times just in case and James always wanted the ship to be clean for this event all of the people in the town were always excited because there was always an event in the night time a ball that happens at the castle everyone in the town would get dressed up for the event that happens in the morning.

James was still in the house that he and Lily shared he was reading a letter that Regulus wrote to him he couldn't smile and blushed a bit he couldn't wait for the ball tonight and tried to get some alone time with him but also making sure Lily didn't find out his affair with Regulus. James was wearing his pirate outfit well just the shirt, trousers, and shoes just not his pirate captain coat and hat he wanted to have a great time at the event but also every year he did a sword fight with Sirius when they were on good turns and that he didn't know if the two were right now because James still couldn't get his head around why Sirius is or was mad at him but he had to stop that thought quickly because he heard Lily shout "James come on!" James would quickly hide Regulus' letter and get up from where he was sitting "Alright Lily!" he would then go over to Lily.

The two were holding hands while walking out of the house Lily was smiling a lot and so was James the two were happy to spend the event together someone checked their watch and noticed it was eight so he shouted at everyone else to tell them that the event has started people from the town started to come out of their houses singing and dancing playing games as well.

James and Lily were just playing games and they were just having so much fun they were laughing and giggling the two were blushing so much they were just flirting and teasing as well the two were having the time of their lives James didn't see Sirius at the event he was a bit confused why but he would shrug it off and went back to spending all of his time with Lily and that was when Marlene and Mary came to where the event was they were smiling so much Lily would look up to see the two she knew right away Marlene was smiling and that there was a connection there she decided to not wave Marlene and let her have fun with the princess so she went back to having fun with James.

Marlene was playing some games Mary would just watch many people noticed Mary was quite easy to notice but since she was with Marlene a load of the town people left her alone because no one wanted to deal with Marlene on this one day because everyone knew she had a dirt on someone and is keeping it inside Mary noticed that people were staying away from her and Marlene she was a bit confused why so she looked at Marlene "Hey Marlene?" Marlene would look back at Mary "Yeah Mary?" Mary was a bit nervous to ask Marlene but decided to, "Why are there people away from us? Because people normally like to come up to me more closely and that." Marlene giggled a bit as she stopped looking at Mary "It's because I'm the gossip of the town and everyone knows I know something about them so I could use that the people in the town are scared of me for that reason. Besides you get to have some time without people coming up to you and have some freedom for once!" Marlene said the last bit when throwing a ball to try and get a prize but Mary thought of what Marlene said "I mean you do have a point there I think I'm just too used to people being around me that is all probably Marlene so thanks for that." Mary smiled a bit then Marlene looked at Mary again "Of course you're welcome Mary! Come on let's go and dance!" Mary would smile some more "Alright then!" Marlene would take her hand and the two would go into the middle of the town and start to dance together smiling and laughing a lot.

When no one was looking Sirius and Remus came into the event Remus was still getting used to trying to walk on his newfound legs while Sirius was being so loving to Remus the two had gone somewhere else before coming to the event. James had noticed Sirius and Remus but he was a bit confused about who Remus was because he had never seen him in a human form of sorts James had a feeling that he had seen him before but just couldn't figure out where or what he just couldn't figure it out but James didn't think about it a lot because he looked at Lily and saw her smile so completely forgot what he was thinking about.

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