Sallow truths and secrets are revealed

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It was night time Sirius was walking down an alleyway that many people refused to go down he wasn't wearing his pirate outfit he was wearing an all-black outfit with his hair down there was a reason why he went down this alleyway and why he was wearing this kind of outfit this was something he never told James and would never tell him he liked to go to the darker side of the town to just get away from everything that has happened it was his little secret he would go to the local bar but sometimes he just couldn't because it was hard for him to and because he still felt so broken by what James said and confused with what to do with Remus he noticed so many people and looking at the markets that were there no one didn't know it was him since he was wearing a black cloak to hide his identity.

He had walked to the town bar once he walked into the bar he heard three girls singing they all had everyone at the place under their spell the girls were having so much fun while Sirius just went over to where the bartender was and asked for a bottle of whisky the strong whisky it was his go to, to forget this troubles but the three girls noticed Sirius not knowing it was him so one of them would go over to him the girl that went over to him she has white hair with blue eyes and she was wearing a green and black dress with high heels once she got over to Sirius she would sit next to him "So what brings you here?" the girl smiled as she said that to Sirius while Sirius just said nothing and he was still drinking the whisky the girl would sigh and try again "Sir what brings y-" She got cut off by Sirius "None of your damn business. Bugger off, women!" Sirius hated being talked to while trying to drink his troubles away.

The girl looked so annoyed and upset "How dare you to talk to me like that!" Sirius rolled his eyes before he drank some more of the strong hard whisky the girl noticed that Sirius had a cloak over him and then smirked "Why are you hiding your identity?" Sirius looked at the girl with a glare "You don't need to know. Now leave me be." The girl was about to sing to get Sirius under her spell but Sirius gave the bartender the money and he got up from where was sitting and took the whisky with him "I don't need you singing in my ears while I'm trying to drink my life away Narcissa good day." Sirius had then left the bar Narcissa was quite annoyed then she went back over to her two sisters.

Sirius would walk through the town again while drinking the bottle of strong whisky he would overhear his haters talking about him and how they wrecked the ship and nearly ruined his friendship with James tears were coming out of Sirius' eyes however he would decide to quickly get out of the town so he doesn't need to stand being in there anymore so he would go through the alleyway again and once he got out he was back on the other side of the town again but he was still walking but he was drinking the bottle of whisky.

Some hours went by he tried to walk back to his house he did stop wearing his cloak so all he was wearing was all black with his hair down but since he was very drunk he wasn't able to walk straight and he went into the sea on accident with the empty bottle the splash was quite loud and Sirius was passed out Remus heard the splash sound so he woke up to see what that sound was all about but he didn't know it was Sirius was the one who accidentally went into the ocean.

So Remus swam up to the person and tried to figure out who the person was he didn't know it was Sirius due to his hair being down and the clothes that he was wearing he only realized it was him when he heard him speak slightly "R-R-Re...?" Remus was shocked to see it was Sirius and seeing that he was passed out so he would pick his up his passed out body and he would swim quickly up to the ocean so he could get him to safety and get him back on land.

James was looking around for Sirius because he hadn't come back to his house and he wanted to say sorry to his friend for what he said earlier in the day "SIRIUS, SIRIUS, SIRIUS WHERE ARE YOU!? I WANT TO SAY SORRY FOR YOU AND I'M WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" James was quite worried about Sirius he knew he would drink a lot and come back late but he hadn't heard a word about him or anything but then he could hear something coming out of the sea so James quickly went over but not too close to see what it was because he wasn't sure of what it was.

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