Red flags are starting to be waved

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It was nighttime time Sirius was outside wearing his black outfit with his hair down and sitting near the ocean he was waiting for Remus to show up he also had a bottle of strong alcohol on him and he was drinking it he hadn't seen Remus quite a lot today since he was busy doing other stuff the bits he hated and also talking to Lily earlier in the day he only got to see Remus for a tiny bit before having to leave again he sort of regretted that he got up so late he didn't know why he had never felt like that before. So why now? Sirius didn't understand but didn't want to think about it right now at this moment at a time.

Regulus was in the town while in his disguise he wanted to talk to Sirius about something and he knew that his brother was normally out in the night and probably near the ocean James had told him about the mermaid and he wanted to know if it was true or not so he was looking for him but it was quite hard since he didn't know what Sirius was wearing so he just went over to where the ocean was to find Sirius he was looking quite hard to find him but it was getting quite hard to find his brother because he was quite dark but he did notice a figure sitting at the ocean but he couldn't tell if it was Sirius or not so he sighed and about to give up so he was about to walk off until he noticed a whisky bottle next to the person and knew it was Sirius so he would go over to the person knowing it was his older brother for sure.

Once Regulus got over to Sirius he would sit next to his brother however Sirius didn't realize that Regulus was sitting next to him so Regulus would make a small sound for Sirius to notice that he was there Sirius would turn his head to notice Regulus he was a bit cold but he was sort of surprised to see his brother but since he was sort of drunk it was hard to see it through his look "Regulus what are you doing here?" Sirius said that while he was putting down the whisky bottle Regulus would look at Sirius a bit "I came to ask you something and I was wondering if it was true or not." Sirius raised an eyebrow at Regulus before picking up the whisky bottle again "Alright then what is your question?" he then drank a bit from the bottle Regulus sighed a bit "Do you know anything about the mermaid?" Sirius then spit out the whisky he just drank and he quickly put the bottle down "What!? No! I don't know anything about the mermaid okay!? Why did you even ask me!?"

Regulus knew Sirius was lying since he was on the defensive about it so Regulus had to bring up why he asked "Because James told me what you said to him today! So I was wondering if it was true or not...." Sirius would quickly look at Regulus "James....told you what I told him last night...? Why you...? Lily, I get not you...." Sirius knew this was a red flag but he also felt so betrayed by his best friend Regulus couldn't tell what was going through his head "I don't know Sirius he told me....about the mermaid and that you showed him the said mermaid..." Sirius sighed so annoyed but he couldn't lie to Regulus "Okay yes I do know about the mermaid and what James said to you is true. Just don't tell anyone else this, please! I can't have any of my haters knowing it will be a whole scandal so please don't Regulus!"

Sirius was still looking at Regulus just wanting him to not tell anyone in the darker side of the town before Regulus sighed a tiny bit "Okay I won't I will keep it a secret only because I care about you and I don't want to hurt you anyway okay." Sirius smiled a bit "Thanks Regulus but you should probably go back because you know the people in the castle may be wondering where you are right now." Regulus looked at Sirius "Yeah I probably should Sirius I will see you later then." Regulus would then get up and he would smile at Sirius before leaving while Sirius didn't say anything back to Regulus after his brother was leaving because Sirius noticed Remus come up and he smiled at Remus.

Regulus didn't completely leave he was hiding so he could get a view of Remus he was hiding trying to see how Remus looked Regulus was making sure that Sirius and Remus didn't see him while he was trying to see.

With Sirius and Remus Sirius was completely upset and felt so betrayed by his own best friend and he wasn't quite sure what to do at all Remus noticed the look on Sirius face so he would speak up "Sirius are you okay?" Sirius looks at Remus a bit before sighing "No...I just found out something from Regulus...and I don't even know if I can trust James anymore..." Remus looked at Sirius "What do you mean Sirius?" Sirius looked at Remus some more "James told Regulus what I told him last night about you and that...." Remus was so shocked by what he heard from Sirius he didn't know what to say at all so he stayed quiet before Sirius would put one of his hands on Remus' cheek before saying "Don't worry about it I told Regulus not to tell anyone else but please be more careful more people are realizing there is a mermaid here it's in the newspapers as well. okay?"

Remus looked at Sirius some more "Oh right....s-s-sorry..." Sirius was trying to understand what Remus was feeling "It's okay Remus it's not your fault I just care about you dearly and I don't want to lose you and we both have to be by ourselves in the world. Just don't near James' ship okay?" Remus nodded his head to Sirius then the two looked at each other for some seconds they were both feeling different things but they just didn't want to lose each other the two then stopped looking each other in the eyes and Remus decided to speak "So what are you going to do about the situation with James?" Sirius would sigh a bit "I will probably talk to him at some point when I have time in the next couple of days still trying to understand this whole wired situation and interactions with James and Regulus...." Remus would sigh a bit "I guess that is the only thing you can do Sirius..." Sirius nodded his head to Remus but the two would talk a bit before Sirius went back into his house for the night since he had a long day ahead of him but he did tell Remus that he would try and see him a bit more in the next couple of days but he didn't want to promise him at all because Sirius knew it would be quite hard because being famous and all.

Regulus was able to see what Remus was mostly like and saw how beautiful he was but he didn't see him the same way that Sirius did he didn't understand why his brother cared for Remus or anything like that but he would decide to come out of hiding and properly walk away because he needed to get back to the castle but the truth was when it came to James he had feelings for him and Regulus didn't know if James liked him back since James was already with Lily so it was hard for him to know but Regulus didn't wonder on it for too long while he was walking back but Regulus tears started to come down his face because of what he was thinking about because the truth was he did have feelings for James.

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