Regulus' confusing, gay and weird situation

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Meanwhile, Regulus who was now pretending to be Sirius had a feeling James had no idea about Sirius' plan, and thinking about that made a shiver go down his spine he already regretted it since this was the first time since the affair between the two would interact and talk to each other so he was scared of where this would go for sure so once Regulus got back to the house that he gave to Sirius and was in it, he saw James laying on the couch Regulus knew that James wouldn't realize that he was in the house or wasn't Sirius right away because Regulus knew how much of an idiot James was and can be but Regulus decided to walk over to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

That was when James noticed his best friend and realized it was only them in the house so he smiled a bit so he got up from the couch and went over to the kitchen Regulus who was now in the kitchen getting himself a cup of water not realizing James was coming behind him so when Regulus was filling up the cup with water James would smirk a bit and smack his ass quite hard and that sound was a loud one but Regulus was taken so aback by what James did he had farted a bit James wasn't expecting that at all but he smirks a bit "Thought you liked a bit of surprised mate of my smacks since your trousers make a loud sound because I mean you do like it.-" That was when Regulus realized for sure James had no idea about the plan that Sirius and him did so he had to try and flirt like his brother to James but he had no idea James and Sirius were sexual and flirty to each other in this kind of way so that was when he turned around to look at James "I mean I do just wasn't expecting that one after our trip of trying to find Remus that was all James mate." James tucked his feet behind him all red and embarrassed now his smirk was no longer there when he spoke "Yeah you're right you have a point there um sorry for that then." That was when he walked off and Regulus sighed, confused by that interaction.

Some hours had gone by and Regulus hadn't bumped into James so he was just in the room where was Sirius chilling knowing that he couldn't clean up his brother's room at all because James would realize it was actually him and not Sirius at all but it would make whatever this would be much more embarrassing for James than for him, either way, Regulus go get off Sirius' bed and noticed that he had some old stuff when he and Sirius were younger he was a bit surprised but that moment was quickly over when James was leaning next to the door then spoke "I still can't believe those were some of the things you took from that place when you ran away I don't think Regulus even knows about them since you two were quite young. Right?" Regulus had heard James' voice so would looked at him and spoke "I thought to take them with me to remind myself of Reggie I guess but he doesn't know I took these I don't think he even remembers them anyway." but that was when he realized how James was leaning "Why are you leaning against my door mate?" That was when James smirk came back on his face "I mean it's just you and me Sirius maybe we could have some fun.- For old-time sakes. You know?" Regulus had to quickly respond to James so he spoke "Uh no not really? You mean in the best friend right?" That was when James stopped leaning against the door and walked into the room over to the person he thought was Sirius that was when he spoke "I mean some fun between us.- You know?" That was when Regulus had an "oh shit" look on his face he realized what James was going on about and he didn't know what to say so he just decided to slowly nod his head and then decide to walk off and out of the bedroom James was so confused so he would go after him.

Regulus was walking as fast as he could away from James while he was walking after him but shouted "Sirius mate come on wait up talk to me!" That was when Regulus decided to walk faster and into the bathroom once he was in the bathroom he closed it and locked it shut however James didn't see where his best friend went so he shrugged and just went back downstairs to lie down on the couch.

Regulus who was now in the bathroom and blushing red as a tomato due to James' advantages was just so taken aback to see this side of James because of their affair he hated how even if James' flirting was so bad he didn't know how to take James advantages because he still had feelings for James no matter what even after the affair went public between them he still had feelings for James but Regulus realized that he had to face James' weird mood at some point it was now or never so he decided to face James Potter while he was thinking of getting himself drunk to forget his feelings and James as a whole so he would unlock the bathroom door then deciding to walk out of the bathroom and downstairs to get himself drunk before going to James however little did Regulus know James had already beaten Regulus to the getting drunk bit himself.

When Regulus came downstairs he saw James already getting drunk Regulus was amazed at how James beat him to this stage so he decided to go over to the couch and get a bottle of alcohol and start to drink it James noticed that his best friend was drinking with him and he was smiling quite a bit while getting drunk so after sometime later when the two were quite drunk the flirting would start between the two. That was when James would stumble over to Regulus who he thought was Sirius this whole time that was when Regulus noticed James coming over to him so he giggled a bit but that was when James smirked at him "You know you have always looked so pretty.-" Regulus giggled some more before he spoke "I know I do I mean you look pretty yourself.-" James blushed a bit at what Regulus said, and he spoke some more "I could kiss you right here right now because your lips are sooooo hot and nice to be kissing right now my love.-" That was when Regulus decided to say nothing and thought it was a good idea to just kiss James on the lips since he knew James wouldn't know he was really kissing the wrong black brother since they have the same kissing style also because they were both drunk either way James kiss him back and the two started to make out while being drunk.

Regulus decided to pull away from the drunk making out since he felt quite uncomfortable that was when James noticed the look on his face and he spoke "Uh mate I'm sorry for making you so uncomfortable because you still have feelings for Remus..." That was when he tried to get back up but Regulus made sure he stayed on the ground James was a bit confused that was when Regulus spoke "Mate it's alright you just wanted to have someone to kiss you and all of that since you are used to that with Lily so I get that honestly but yeah I do still have feelings for Remus but you need me right now-" James had cut him off to speak "But that's the thing I don't even know if I really like Regulus...!" Regulus heart got broken a bit but he would decide to pull James into a hug then he would speak "And that's alright just listen to your heart and see in the end which one it wants to be with Lily or Regulus. Okay?" That was when James nodded his head and just hugged into him and since they were both drunk Regulus decided to play with James' hair until he fell asleep it didn't take that long for James to fall asleep when Regulus noticed James was asleep so he would kiss his forehead and whisper to James "You do deserve to be Lily you are way better off with her..." after he had whispered that to James he would close his eyes and fell asleep on the floor while hugging James.

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