Are bad things happening or not?

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Sirius didn't know what else to say he felt like the people who hated him were for sure coming for him this time round but before he could do anything he heard footsteps coming this way and he knew it was James and Lily were coming this way to see the ship James noticed the huge crowd in front of the ship so he had to get through the crowd with Lily while James was pushing people out of the way while Lily was saying sorry and other things to the people that James pushed out of the way once the two got to the front they saw the state of the ship.

James looked honestly shaken and heartbroken he couldn't believe this his beloved ship was broken and in the worse state ever he couldn't believe this he hated this so many tears started to come out of his eyes then he looked at Sirius "Did you know this even happened in the night!?" Sirius looked back at James "No I didn't James I only found out this morning...." James was so angry and upset something he loved so much was broken and in a ruined state "I can't believe this, this your hater's fault that this bloody happened, Sirius!" Sirius sighed a bit "Yeah I know that don't have to tell me that for god sake!" Sirius didn't want to get into this not now not in front of Lily as well but James was so mad and upset he didn't care one bit.

James looked straight Sirius right in the eyes while Sirius just looked back at his best mate but he sighed "This is not a good place to argue about th-" James cut Sirius right off not listening to him "SIRIUS I DON'T BLOODY RIGHT NOW THIS IS MOSTLY YOUR FAULT THAT MY SHIP IS IN THIS STATE I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WON'T SEE THE PICTURE RIGHT NOW IN THIS SITUATION THIS IS GOING TO TAKE ME FOR AGES TO FUCKING FIX I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU OUT OF EVERYONE HERE YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT MATE" Sirius was trying to keep his calm and fighting the tears "James I understand that your mad and upset about this but don't blame me okay!? I do understand the situation here and I get how long it will take for it to be fixed don't need to go at me for this." James growled a bit at Sirius while Sirius was trying to stay calm about all of this but it was hard for him to at this moment in time.

Lily would go over to the two boys "James maybe Sirius is shouldn't blame him...." James didn't even listen to Lily and he was dead staring Sirius down "THIS IS YOUR FAULT IF YOUR HATERS DIDN'T GO AT MY SHIP WE WOULD OF HAVE BEEN FINE BUT NO! MY SHIP IS FUCKING BROKEN AND RUINED BECAUSE OF THEM SO IT'S MOSTLY YOUR FAULT BECAUSE OF YOUR GOD DAMN HATERS SIRIUS EVERYTHING ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE YOUR FAULT I FEEL LIKE MY GOOD LUCK WITH YOU IS RUINING OUT AND ALL IT IS JUST BAD LUCK RIGHT NOW GOD!" Sirius said nothing he felt so hurt by what James said he couldn't believe his best friend said something like that tears started to come out of his eyes before he looked at James one last time "FINE WHATEVER FUCK YOU TWO JAMES I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN TRYING TO FIX THAT YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Once Sirius said that he would leave everyone who was where the ship was and went somewhere he only knew about and Remus saw all of this go down so he would follow Sirius where he was going.

Sirius was crying so much while walking to the place he couldn't think he needed some time to himself he couldn't believe what had happened once he was far away from everyone else he sat down near the ocean and he took off his boots that he was wearing and Remus came out from the sea to Sirius' height and saw how bad he looked and how broken the man was so Remus would wipe away Sirius' tears with his hands like how Sirius did for him in the morning the two looked at each other for a second before Sirius would take off his jacket and his shirt after Remus wiped away his tears once Sirius took his shirt off Remus saw how ripped Sirius was Remus didn't say anything but Sirius would take his hair down and he would get into the sea to join Remus.

Remus was so amazed by this but he couldn't help but use his fin to splash Sirius "Do you do this when you're this upset Sirius?" Sirius was giggling and he splashed Remus back before asking his question "Yep this is something I do when I am upset and I want to be by myself the ocean and being on the sea is the happy place I have always loved the sea and the many things you can see it is always a great adventure you will find great things and not expect to find things and creatures you would expect!" Remus smiled a lot and the two would splash each other quite and they would swim together the two were having so much fun and forgetting about what just happened with James.

Meanwhile, with James and Lily Regulus showed up he had heard what happened with the ship and he wanted to help James out so Regulus came quickly as he could he saw that James was so upset and mad so Lily was trying to calm him down so Regulus went over to the two it was much easier this time round to get to the ship since the crowd was gone now he would look at the two "Um sorry I couldn't help to hear what happened to the ship....she must have been a lovely ship..." James and Lily would both turn around and notice Regulus so James would quickly gets up from where he was sitting he was much calmer than before smiling a bit "Yeah it was a lovely ship....named her after my lovely girlfriend Lily! So the ship is really important to me so I was upset and angry to see it in this state...."

Regulus finally knew why the ship was called the amazing Lily Potter it was named after James' girlfriend Lily Evans he didn't say anything to that but he was so happy to finally find that out because he was a huge fan of his brother and the crew so he wanted to help out Lily looked at Regulus "I know you want to help but I don't know if there is any way you could King Regulus" James looked at Lily a bit "Let him speak Lil and see what he could do to know how much this ship is important to me....." Lily looked at James back "I know James sweetheart you're forgetting how important this ship is to Sirius as well I wish sometimes you thought of him as well....." James sighed a bit "Okay I may have been wrong when I shouted at Sirius...Lily but please let me sort that out myself when it's the right time I'm letting him and myself calm down...." Lily would sigh a bit then she would nod her head to James.

Regulus would look at the two "I would like to give you all the money you need to fix the ship I know it's a lot but I know so many people would want you and your crew to be back on sea quickly than trying to fix the ship I can get the best workers to fix it and make sure the ship was the way that it was before it got ruin and in the state, it was in" James was shocked by what Regulus said, "y-y-you mean that don't you?" Regulus nodded his head to James, James didn't know what to say at all while Lily was about to say something before she could James spoke "That's amazing! I would be happy for you to help us Regulus to get the ship how it was it would be so amazing if you could I will be so grateful and happy for you to do this kind gesture for us!"

Regulus would smile at James "I'm happy to help you out Captain James" James would look at Regulus and smile back at him a tiny bit "You don't need to call me captain just call me James only my crew call me Captain and your not part of my crew okay Regulus" Regulus would giggle a bit "Alright then James but I am happy to help you out to get your ship back to the state it was in before" James was so happy for this to happen while Lily just stands there letting this happen she thought about the question that Sirius asked her yesterday it was going around circles in her mind she felt like did her boyfriend and Regulus like each other she didn't know but he hated that she didn't have no say in that I know she shouldn't because it's James ship but she felt like she should have had some say but she would just sigh a tiny bit before saying nothing.

It only took some hours for some of the best workers to come and start fixing the ship James was so happy for this to happen and Regulus was happy to be helping James out at the same time while Lily just didn't want to be there now she just like the third wheel of sorts here so she would excuse herself to James so she could go but Sirius' question was still going round and round Lily's mind it felt like something wasn't right and she couldn't understand why she felt like as some sort of the third wheel it was all so confusing to her mostly and she didn't understand why at all.

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