A unwanted reunion

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Morning came around quickly and the crew was back on land Sirius was the first one up so he could put Remus in the ocean quickly before anyone saw him Remus smiled so happy that he was away from the other mermaids Sirius smiled back at Remus while putting him in the ocean but before Sirius went back on the ship and to pretend that he was asleep still Remus would open his mouth and said "Thank you....for everything so far Sirius..." Sirius would hear Remus say that he didn't know what to say to him but all he could say back to the mermaid was "Your welcome...." once he did he went back to the ship to pretend that he was asleep.

Some hours went by and James would wake the whole crew up they went out of the cabin and were on the port of the ship to see that so many people were there including Lily, James would get the plank out so the crew could walk down it was a special day that Sirius didn't want to see his little brother's crowning he felt so betrayed by him before he ran away to be a pirate, tears started to come out of his eyes but James would shout to Sirius "COME ON SIRIUS THE NEW KING WILL BE HERE SOON" Sirius wouldn't reply to James he wiped away his tears and got out of the cabin to see the crowd he smiled a bit but it was a just a soft sad smile but he knew that Remus was in the ocean hiding to see what was happening.

The crowd was made to make some space for the new king to pass once the crew saw the new king walk past the crowd the crew walked down Sirius was at the back he was normally in front of James so the second to last person to come down off the ship but he begged with his best friend to be last he just felt like crying so badly this was his baby brother who is now king he had so many mix feelings but something was ringing in his ears he didn't know what though.

But the new king had black hair like Sirius but it was as long as his and he was wearing a crown on top of his hair he had blue-grey eyes and he was wearing royal clothes that were black and green to show their family's colours that they wore when they were alive Regulus had got to the ship and shaking the crew's hand one by one smiling but since James and Sirius were on opposite sides of each other James had to quickly change it around so the order was quickly he gave a sorry look to Sirius while Sirius' heart just broke, even more, when James did that so when Regulus got to Sirius the two looked at each in the eyes for some seconds before the two shook hands but Sirius couldn't keep his tears in while shaking Regulus hand.

Regulus let go of Sirius' hand and went to James of course James would take his hat off and bow to Regulus before shaking his hand "King Regulus...." Regulus smiled a bit but he felt like that was too formal since James was his big brother's best friend but James stopped bowing to Regulus and the two shook hands but Regulus knew he needed to say something James "This is a lovely ship James and you have a wonderful crew as well I am quite happy to meet you all I hoped you all had a nice journey out at sea" James would smile "Of course King Regulus" Regulus would smile back at James "Also just call me Regulus since your my brothers best friend" James would nod his head to Regulus before the two stop shaking hands.

Sirius felt something was really off but he quickly wiped his tears away and put a smile on his face to make sure no one knew he wasn't okay Regulus made a speech in front of them and to the crowd, Lily noticed Sirius looked on his face he looked like he was hurting so much inside he wanted this to be over and left alone so once that was all over Sirius was able to get out of the crowd's eye without them noticing him expect for Regulus who did knowing that something wasn't right with his brother.

Remus noticed Sirius who came over he had seen most of what happened and he had a couple of questions for him Sirius sat down near the ocean and noticed Remus so he smiled a bit it was a tiny one at that Remus looked at Sirius before asking his question "Who was that? you know the new king?" Sirius would sigh a tiny bit before telling Remus "He's my little brother Regulus...I used to be a royal prince before I ran away to become a pirate and now he's king..." Remus felt a bit sorry for Sirius since now he understood why he felt so alone in that whole moment that was happening "Oh...." Sirius would nod his head to Remus before he heard a voice so he would stand up to hide Remus.

The voice was Regulus so Sirius looked at his little brother "What do you want Regulus...?" Regulus looked at his older brother a bit before he said what he needed to say "I know you didn't want to be there at all...we both know that but I want to give back to you I do...! So I want to give you a house that is right near the ocean and so you can stop being the third wheel to Lily and James....because we both know you hate that." Sirius was quite shocked by Regulus' offer he didn't expect this from his little brother maybe he was trying to fix their relationship but he didn't know what to say to it and Regulus knew that as well "So what do you say, Sirius?" Sirius would look at Regulus one last time before saying "I will take your offer..." Regulus smiled a bit the two would shake hands before Regulus left.

Once Regulus left Sirius was standing there not knowing what to feel he had too many thoughts in his head at once but he also felt like James could break Lily's heart it just felt like something wasn't adding up not after that interaction between his best friend and little brother but he wouldn't think about it that much not now so he would sit back down to see Remus and the two would talk for hours on end the two felt like they could escape reality with each other for some time just them and no one else.

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