The worst thing to ever happen to a mermaid

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In the ocean Remus had stopped swimming he noticed that he was far away from the town and he felt a heartache in his heart that he had never had before did Sirius actually mean something to him Remus couldn't shake off that feeling but he didn't know at all but he just felt something that he has never felt when he was around Sirius he felt wanted and loved by him and yet he cared about Sirius and felt like Remus wanted Sirius in his life that when Remus starting to realize something so he would softly speak "Did I get feelings for Sirius...? Like feelings that I have never felt before in my life...? I was wanted by him unlike the other mermaids I was never liked or felt like I was wanted..." He looked around a bit to see if any other kind of creature but he didn't so he started to speak again "Was it the right decision to leave and swim away...? Would Sirius come and find me...? Did I change his life like how he changed mine...?" Remus shook his head he needed to stop thinking about these things but that was when he started to hear a voice it was a seraphic one he wanted to know where it was coming from he felt like he was under some sort of spell so Remus would swim over to where the singing is coming from.

Remus wanted to stop swimming but he couldn't he was deep under a spell due to the singing but when the singing had stopped Remus saw himself in a place he had never seen before he didn't know where he was he was so confused before he could say anything someone came behind him the grasp so strong Remus was struggling to try to get at this hold he was trying all of his best but he was starting to get tired so he stopped with the struggling and started to fall asleep that was when he started to hear the seraphic voice and the voice said "Just go to sleep my love-" that was when Remus fell asleep and the person swam more into the place.

Some hours went by and Remus woke up again he noticed that he was in his human self and not his mermaid self he was confused about how the potion was still working he didn't understand at all but he would slowly stand up and would try to walk he would walk a few steps before he tripped and seeing he had a chain on one of his legs he didn't know what was going on or where he was but he heard some voices the people who were coming in looked at Remus and he looked up to these people that he didn't know who they were expecting for one he knew one of them was Bellatrix Remus would try to get up but this time round he couldn't his legs were shaking he couldn't move them Bellatrix looked at Remus "How are you in this form!?" Remus would speak and his voice was quiet but soft "I don't know how myself..." Bellatrix rolled her eyes before one of them looked at Remus and spoke "Interesting you may be right about your cousin loving this mermaid Bellatrix..." Remus felt like he had heard this voice before but couldn't figure out why but nothing was adding up to him.

Bellatrix looked at the person who spoke to her "How am I right in what way Lucius!?" When Remus heard the name that was when he knew how he knew that voice because he knew that Lucius brought a ship with his money but that was when Lucius spoke again "Snape told me if the person asked for this kind of potion and overtime if they have fell in love with the person who the potion was for the potion will keep on working even if the potion has stopped working after some time or out of reach of the place where the potion was made." When Remus heard that he was so shocked did Sirius fell in love with him over time but before he could even think about that Bellatrix had to laugh a bit "He has seriously fallen in love with this stupid mermaid!? That no one likes or cares for because all he is NOTHING!" Remus slowly started to back up or well trying to since couldn't feel his legs but that was when he would speak again his voice was quite quiet "Then why do you have me here...?" Bellatrix only heard a tiny bit of what Remus said so she went over to him "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Remus would get more scared so he said a little bit louder "Then why am I here...? Why do you have me here...?"

Bellatrix started to laugh but this time her laugh got louder and louder turning into an insane laugh Remus tried and move away from Bellatrix but she got him by the neck making Remus scared for his life "Let me tell you why dear Remus it's because to make you my plans go through and if I need to I can use you as bait for my dear cousin Sirius-." Remus didn't even want to look at Bellatrix he was scared of her like the other creatures in the sea but that was when Bellatrix stopped holding Remus by the neck and just looked down at him Remus knew Bellatrix had all of the power he was just a helpless mermaid like he always was that's all he was, either way, Bellatrix opened her mouth to speak "Helpless as always I don't understand why Sirius has feelings for you it probably isn't real a man like him can't love he hasn't for years ever since he left the castle. Didn't he tell you? He used to be a royal prince he was a traitor to us when he left and now his little brother betrayed us so we will get our revenge on them both and you can't do anything at all he shouldn't have become a pirate at all the sea isn't where his heart is at all.-" that was when Bellatrix would move away from Remus and started to walk away but Remus wanted the last say so he would speak quite loud and clearly "You may think your plans will go through however they won't then I will have the last laugh." He then smiled that was when Bellatrix turned around to look a Remus and Remus looked back at Bellatrix it was the first time he had but Bellatrix said nothing then turned back around and walk off with Lucius making Remus all by himself however that was when he whispers "I hope Sirius will find me if it takes him as long as it takes..."

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