Two people finally seeing each other again but in a bad situation

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It was two days after Barty got told of the plan that Bellatrix and Lucius had and it was the day where it was made to be done so Barty would get into the clothes that he was given to wear and once he got there to the castle the lead royal staff member told the rest of the royal staff members in the morning that he was new and to make sure to help him out the rest of the royal staff members nod their heads they were giving their jobs for the morning and the head royal staff member for some to take their break at midday and some don't Barty was a bit confused why the head royal staff member said that but most of the royal staff members would roll their eyes and of course didn't listen to that bit so they went to go and do their jobs for the day.

Meanwhile Sirius was in Regulus' room well his for the time being but still his brothers though however Sirius was writing a letter to Regulus just to make sure if anything happened to him that letter would get to him and he would be safe but to also have a better life than the one that his little brother was given Sirius knew that Regulus wouldn't care if something terrible happened to him so once he had finished writing the letter he put it in a envelope then put his name on the front but he used a trick that he learnt that the person who is pretending to be someone else they will see their real name and not the person they are when they get the letter either way Sirius put the letter near the door so the royal staff member can get it and give it to Regulus either way Sirius sighed and got up from the chair he would drink a bottle of alcohol the only way he gets through this then he mumbles under his breath "Time to do this whole shitshow again." once he said that he would walk out of the room to do the kingly duties that Regulus does.

Once it got to midday Sirius was sitting in a room by himself reading some books he never liked sitting in the library like Regulus did Sirius thought he was by himself so he could read books about the sea or what he could find in the library because he thought all of the royal staff members were on their break well little did he know Barty had came into the room and saw Sirius who was pretending to be Regulus and Barty thought it was Regulus so he smiled big Barty would go up behind Sirius and he would use a bat to knock Sirius out before he could even react once Barty did that he would pick his passed out body and would go out a secret way that none of the other royal staff members, either way, he got out of the castle quickly and would get to Lucius' ship so they could meet Bellatrix.

It would take a while for Lucius and Barty to get to the place on the ship because of how secretive it is located but when the two noticed Bellatrix they were at the right place so Lucius docks the ship and gets the ship first and Barty follows behind Lucius with the passed out "Regulus" Bellatrix was smiling a lot she would nod her head to the two then would walk into the place and the two followed her into the place it took them a while to walk in that was when Remus noticed them with a knocked out body so he was confused about what was going on but he decided to say nothing, either way, Barty put him on the ground and Bellatrix put him handcuffs and tied his legs that was when they waited for him to wake up however Remus had a weird feeling that he knew who it was but couldn't figure out why so he waited for the person to wake up.

Some hours went past and Sirius finally woke up he was confused about where he was and he saw Barty, Lucius, and Bellatrix his eyes went huge he tried to struggle but couldn't he felt stuck but that was when Bellatrix noticed he had woken up so went over to him smiling a lot she got down to his level then spoke "This will be the day you are gone Regulus, dear cousin.-" Sirius just looked right at Bellatrix in the eyes and spoke "You sure you have the right Black brother though Bellatrix?" he said that while a smirk came on his mouth Bellatrix wasn't sure what to say to that but spoke, "I KNOW I HAVE THE RIGHT BLACK BROTHER!" That was when Sirius started to laugh he couldn't help but be a bitch to his cousin that was when Lucius went over to him and would his face Lucius felt something odd so took the thing that was hiding the beard then all of their eyes went huge they were shocked that they had the wrong Black brother that was when Remus noticed Sirius he was so confused about what was going on but Bellatrix was mad so shouted "HOW!? YOU SON OF A B-" Sirius laughed, even more, louder "YOU THOUGHT I WOULDN'T SAVE MY BROTHERS LIFE AFTER HIM TRYING TO BE KILLED BY TWO ASSASSINS THAT YOU HIRED TO DO THE MISSION!? YOU REALLY HAVE TO GET PETTIGREW TO ACTUALLY DO IT YOUR A JOKE AND STUPID AND YOU KNOW IT BELLATRIX!" That was when Bellatrix slapped Sirius around the face that was when Sirius' laugh and smirk left his mouth Bellatrix was so mad that she started to beat Sirius up while laughing insanely Remus was watching this all happen he was so scared for his life and Sirius' since he was here with Remus now.

Once Bellatrix was finished beating Sirius up she spoke "You are stupid and weak no matter what you do YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A FUCK UP TO OUR FAMILY YOU SHOULD OF HAVE NEVER BEEN BORN AND ONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD HAPPEN YOU DON'T DERSEVE FRIENDS OR LOVE YOU GET TO SUFFER HERE IN PAIN LIKE YOU ALWAYS SHOULD OF!" Sirius would say nothing to Bellatrix he didn't cry or shed a tear over the years of him knowing to not show his true feelings to his abusers either way Bellatrix would walk away from Sirius and then spoke one last time "Your luck is up Sirius no one is coming to save you this time." She then looks at Lucius and Barty "Let's go we are leaving this useless piece of shit to die by himself it's getting rid of two brothers with one stone if we do." Lucius and Barty would nod their heads then leave Sirius there on the ground.

When they were completely gone Sirius started to cry the pain was too much to bare he knew what Bellatrix said was right so he spoke thinking he was by himself "She is right...all I am is useless...I have always been useless...the spare, disappointment, useless Black..." he said that through his tears he could feel his legs hurting and couldn't use anything to help the pain but that was when Remus finally spoke "Your none of that Sirius...!" When Sirius heard that voice he couldn't believe it. He was hearing things, right? He wasn't going insane right? That Remus was here so he turned his head and he couldn't believe his eyes Remus was here he didn't understand why he was so confused so he would get his beating up body over to Remus once Sirius got over to Remus the two looked at each other in the eyes it felt like weeks he was so happy to see Remus again Sirius' heart was beating so much he didn't have words to describe what he was thinking however Remus would notice the rope on Sirius' legs so he would take them off for him.

Sirius noticed Remus had untied the things that were on his legs he wanted to ask Remus so many questions but Remus put his hand on Sirius' cheek and spoke "Are you okay...?" Sirius was looking at Remus again in the eyes "I should be fine...I am used to the abuse but that doesn't matter you are here with me now..." Remus looked at Sirius but he had to ask the question so he spoke "How are you here...?" Sirius sighed a bit then spoke "I made a plan where I and Regulus would be the other because someone wanted him dead so I guess this was her backup plan but I fooled her. Anyway, how are you here Remus!? I tried to find you with James' help for three weeks!" Remus was taken aback by what Sirius said and he would answer Sirius' question "Bellatrix used her voice to put me into that siren hypnotize state and I got chained up like this..." Remus was trying to read Sirius' look on his face but he couldn't however Sirius started to break down into tears but that was when Remus spoke again but in a soft tone in his voice "This isn't your fault Bellatrix used the information she knew will be alright..." Sirius nodded his head to Remus he felt there was hope with Remus here with him Sirius felt safe with Remus his comfort was helping him so he would smile a tiny bit Remus smiled back at Sirius.

Remus felt so sorry for Sirius and what he had been for but he would sit Sirius down all of this time Remus kept his hand on Sirius' cheek but Sirius just wanted to hug Remus but since Sirius was in handcuffs so not able so Remus would take his hand off Sirius' cheek and would pull him into a hug Remus had a feeling that Sirius was scared so he would speak up "Sirius it's okay to feel scared..." Sirius looked at Remus and he would speak up "I shouldn't show my feelings Remus I'm not s-" Remus cut Sirius off and spoke again "You should your feelings Sirius they are important because you are safe with me Sirius and I have feeling James will co-" That was when Sirius cut Remus off this time round "James doesn't know about what the plan was only me and Regulus..." Remus would hug Sirius more tightly then would speak again but more softly "Alright...we won't think about that for now I'm just happy to have you here with me..." Sirius would nod his head to Remus and he would smile a bit but he would then speak "I'm happy to see you again Remus I missed you so much...I do feel safe right now with you here..." Remus smiled a bit and he would stop hugging Sirius tightly but Remus would comforted Sirius as much as he could keep Sirius calm because Remus knew Sirius was quite scared of Bellatrix his cousin but Sirius didn't care if he was scared of Bellatrix at this point but he was happy to be with Remus again the two were just happy to have each other again and knowing they could get through this situation.

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