A fighting time that has a good outcome

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Both of sides looked at each other with swords out either way Lucius would speak "On the count of three Potter!" That was when James smirked he just looked at Marlene and Marlene looked back at James so both Lucius could even start counting Marlene would just shout "THREE!" Lucius was so off guard by Marlene but James was able to get the upper hand on Lucius with their sword fight Lucius was quite annoyed at this and spoke "What how!? JAMES IS THE CAPTAIN OF THIS SHIP NOT A GIRL!" Marlene heard that so when she was close enough to James the two switched with the person whom they were sword fighting Lucius was now not happy that he was sword fighting a girl while Marlene was happy with this and smirking so much and she was getting the upper hand and Lucius was getting more annoyed and Lucius saw Bellatrix was sword fighting Regulus and Bellatrix looked back at Lucius so when the two got near to the other just switch with the person they were sword fighting and the two were happier while Regulus and Marlene got annoyed by this.

Everyone was sword fighting it was getting worse and worse by the minute because of Bellatrix and using her siren necklace and getting the upper hand but Regulus was the one who didn't like Bellatrix using what she could use so he got a gun out from his boot and would shoot it at Bellatrix that was when James was smirking so much Bellatrix was having to protect herself with the sword from Regulus' bullets that was when James got over to one of the canons and he shoot to Lucius' ship he fired the canon more than once Lucius was getting annoyed so he would run over to James and got him off the canon and the two start to punch each other and rolling on the ship deck while the rest of the crews who some were getting killed and stabbed while Lily and Mary were making sure they don't get killed while this was going on however Lily and Mary looked at each other realizing Lucius and Bellatrix were distracted so they would walk over to the planks to get on Lucius' ship to save Remus and Sirius and that's what they decided to do.

Once the two girls got onto the ship they saw Sirius in pain but Barty was nowhere in the site so Lily took the gag off Sirius and Mary would open up the cage Remus was in they couldn't find Barty at all they saw how weak Remus' legs were so Mary would pull Remus out of the cage when Remus was out of the cage he looked at Mary in pain that was when Lily was getting Sirius out off the rope he was in that was when Barty came out of hiding Mary didn't see him so couldn't block in time but Barty could Remus near the ship Mary and Lily looked at Barty then Remus the two girls saw how tried Remus looked and couldn't even move or anything like that it was when a smile came on Barty's face an evil wicked smile Sirius froze for a second he had so many things going through his mind, either way, Barty would turn around with Remus to throw him into the ocean.

Lily quickly finished getting Sirius out of the rope that was when Sirius quickly got over to Barty slapping him around the face then gave Barty to the girl then he took his wig to show his long hair then took his shirt off then dived into the ocean to get Remus however Regulus and Bellatrix both saw what happened but Bellatrix smiled but Marlene would go over to Bellatrix to hold her back to make sure Bwllatrix didn't go into the water that was when Regulus noticed Lucius was up and James was knocked out so he would go over to James and picks him up Regulus saw he was bleeding so Regulus had to take James inside to make sure he could get cleaned and bandage up to not think about if Sirius will get out of this mess or not he was just worried of his brother.

However with Remus he couldn't breath at all his legs had completely gave up his eyes were slowly closing he couldn't see what was happening he didn't have enough strength to swim however he since his eyes were closing he couldn't see Sirius was swimming down to Remus, Sirius was making sure Remus was okay and shakes him a bit but saw his eyes was closing so Sirius would hold Remus as much he could then Sirius swam back up but it was too late Bellatrix has gotten out of Marlene's grasp so Marlene was bleeding due to her and Andromeda noticed this so she would get into the ocean and the two sisters were looking at each other in their sirens selves so once Sirius got up to surface of the ocean and saw his cousins then saw Barty was knocked out by Mary and Lily so Sirius had to get close to Lucius ship to give Remus who was passed out now to Lily so he was safe but Lily was trying to get Sirius' hand and not Remus that was when Lily finally understood that Sirius always put everyone else before himself but she didn't see how important Remus was to Sirius so Lily decided to hold Remus and with Mary helps.

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