A dangerous situation is about to happen with risks

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Back on land Regulus had gotten the letter that Sirius wrote and he was reading it more than once to understand what was going on in the letter however the more and more Regulus read the letter he understood it something bad had happened to his brother so he would put the letter in his pocket then went to get a bucket Regulus had never been out of the sea before so would be quite seasick so he was getting a bucket on the ship for that reason he knew that if James found out and saw the bucket it was game over but Regulus thought that maybe the people who got Sirius know it isn't really him so Regulus had nothing to lose either way he would get on the ship with the bucket but little did he know James was on the ship when Regulus had put the bucket down that was when James spoke: "Sirius why did you bring a bucket onto the ship?" Regulus would jump and hit his foot on the bucket that was when the fake beard came off a bit "HOLY FUCK SHIT OW FUCK!!!! WHY MUST YOU SCARE ME JAMES POTTER!?" James noticed the beard slipping off so he raised an eyebrow at him Regulus looked at James and noticed his eyes went widen so he took James into one of the parts of the ship so no one else saw.

When the two were inside a bit of the ship James took the fake beard off completely to see a clean face his eyes widened so much and he was about to shout but that was when Regulus put his hand over his face "Before you shout James! This was Sirius' plan to switch places someone was out to kill me and he wanted to keep me safe! And now something has happened to him and we need to go and save him along with the mermaid!" James' eyes would slowly go back to normal and he would nod his head that was when Regulus took his hand off James' mouth and James walked out with the fake beard still in his hand Regulus realized James still had the fake beard in his hand so went after him.

James was coming off the ship and Regulus was behind him to get the fake beard off him James noticed Regulus was confused as to why he followed him but Regulus would take the fake beard off James and be about to put it back on but before he could James spoke "No point putting that beard back on if you will be puking in a bucket the whole ride." Regulus then slapped James around the head and got back onto the ship so no one saw him however when James turned around he saw Lily, Marlene, and the guy called Mike there he wanted to go over them but he noticed Marlene going over to him, and the other two coming over James got scared of what could happen so he decided to get back on the ship.

Marlene had been noticing people from the crew going on and off the ship for hours and she just noticed James went back on the ship so she would get on the ship with Mike while Lily decided not to join them to go and speak with Snape for a bit Marlene was trying to find James to find out what was going on but once she did James had Regulus' fake beard and hid it so Regulus got annoyed at James and they were arguing Marlene stand there confused then realized so shouted: "SO YOU HAVEN'T BEEN THE REAL SIRIUS THE WHOLE TIME MEANING HE IS SOMEWHERE ELSE!?" James and Regulus noticed Marlene and Mike that was when Regulus hit James around the face more than once however Regulus explained to Marlene and Mike what had happened so Marlene sighed a bit before she spoke: "So where is Sirius now then!?" Regulus looked at Marlene and spoke "We don't know that's the thing." that was when Marlene looked at James and spoke, "Did you even know about this!?" James stood there looking at Marlene with slap marks on his face by Regulus either way he spoke "I only found out when he was putting a bucket on the ship so no I had no idea that Sirius did this Marlene." that was when Marlene nodded her head to James so none of them knew where Sirius was.

That was when Lily came onto the ship without Snape, James and the others didn't see she went onto the ship they only realized when she spoke "I overheard what you guys were talking about and Snape says he doesn't know where he is nor where the mermaid is." Marlene turned around to see Lily and James' eyes widen either way Marlene spoke "Then who would know where they are?" That was when Regulus thought hard and hard that was when he realized he who tried to kill him so he went over to the ship of the ocean the others saw what Regulus was doing and they were confused themselves but Regulus would shout into the ocean "NARCISSA, ANDROMEDA COUSINS!" James thought nothing would happen but that was when two sirens came up near the ship and the others were just floored and amazed that worked the two girls came onto the ship to talk better before either of them spoke they noticed Regulus, not Sirius and they couldn't help laugh since their sister fell for the Black brother switch but Lily, Marlene and the others noticed the two looked like humans and not sirens well they dressed like them in some way but just not sea creatures.

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