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NOTES: Why is my man so aggressive😔
Also im in school writing this😜

Y/N sat in the front seat of the family car, after setting up and furnishing most of the new house. It was finally time to start "Hurricane High.."

Take On Me played through Y/N'S headphones as her mother drove her closer and closer to her new school.

Eventually the car holted in front of the school building, It was bigger than her old one.

What looked to be three stories..

"Well you're here.." Her mother spoke as Y/N begrudgingly grabbed her backpack and went to open the car door as her mother stopped her.

"Look Y/N.. i know this is all confusing and annoying that your starting over, but please.. try giving this school, no.. Town a chance dear.."

Y/N nodded as she opened the door, her mother driving off as she started walking to the front doors of the school.

Some students that were either smoking, skateboarding or just hanging outside looked at her. I guess this school didn't get a lot of students..

She entered the doors and the smell of perfume, funk and wet textbooks for some reason hit her as she started walking to her locker.

Again, maybe she was crazy and hyping herself up but it felt if all eyes were on here.. she could tell just from how the popular girls walked and talked shit.

The jocks talked and pushed "Nerds" into lockers and shoving them.

And then the rat tailed assholes who walked around like they owned the place..

This was either a popular or geek type school. She reached her locker taking off her headphones and putting them into her bag as she grabbed her textbook for History class.

Suddenly a person bumped into her which caused Y/N to turn and go in a fighting stance. She knew that new students were targets.. and she wasn't gonna be one of them.

"Oh shit i'm sorry girl" The dark skinned girl bent down to pick up Y/N'S backpack and other shit she had dropped. "Oh yeah it's fine" Y/N bent down and helped her.

"Well you look..new, are you new here?" She said standing up and helping Y/N put the rest of her things in her locker.

"Yeah, just moved her a few days ago. My first day here." She said looking at the shorter dark skinned girl.

"Well..how about i show you around." She said more confidently as Y/N smiled. Maybe she actually would make friends at this place..

"Sure thing, this school is way too big for me to learn where anything is anyway" She stuck out her hand to the girl and she grabbed it.

Shaking their hands. "Uhh i'm Y/N.." "I'm Evangeline.. But call me Eve for short." The two girls walked and talked together.

While they walked, Y/N felt like she already knew her from childhood.

"So your ass is really from Colorado.." Eve spoke as she walked with Y/N to her class as Y/N laughed. "Girl i just told."

Eve scoffed pushing her to the front door to her class. "Ok well get your ass inside of class and we'll talk during class change" She said laughing as Y/N for the first time genuinely smiled and entered the class.

The teacher stood up from her desk and greeted Y/N, telling her to sit in the back for now and she did.

Sitting down at her desk some people looked at her and some people whispered, all she did was just ignore them and pull out her textbook and other things.

When suddenly a large hand slammed on the desk as she looked up seeing a tall tan skinned boy with a mullet.

She already this couldn't be good..

"You do realize you're in my seat right.." he said surprisingly calmly, "And.." The words came out of Y/N'S mouth faster than her brain could process.

"And, this is my fucking seat. What the hell do you mean and." The teen now a little annoyed snapped at Y/N. The girl chuckling.

He was one of those "Greaser tough guys.." she's handled guys like these.

"Well blame your teacher for sitting for me, and besides this shit didn't have your fucking name on it. It's a fucking school desk." She said smiling lowly as he was stunned at her tone before regaining himself.

"Listen here sweetheart, i know your new and you don't know the order of things but when someone tells you to move seats.. move the fucking seat."

He said leaning in closer in her face and Y/N stood up. This wasn't exactly what she imagined on the first day but she was ready.

"First, don't call me your sweetheart wanna be Billy Ray Cyrus. Two. I'll sit wherever the fuck ill want." She said as The boy chuckled. As some boys gasped and laughed in the back.

Presumably his friends..

The boy suddenly grabbed Y/N by her collar and lifted her up unexpectedly as she gasped out of shock. "You're fiesty for a new kid, but I'll beat that attitude out of you."

He raised his fist as Y/N was about to kick away from his grasp, the whole class by this point being noisy and watching this New kid and Presumably "Popular Kid" fight.

"What the hell is going on here..!" The teacher said coming back into the classroom as she saw this boy about to potentially beat the shit out of this girl.

"Everyone sit down! Micheal, Y/N you two coming with me ..!" The teacher yelled as he looked at her lowering his fist. "Misses Collins..!" He dropped Y/N who wiped her shirt off.

"Fuck.." Y/N muttered as she grabbed her stuff as The boy, "Micheal" did the same walking with her with the teacher.

"You're fucking dead.." Micheal muttered as Y/N ignored him. First day at school and she's already in trouble..


hope you enjoyed this🥰😘

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