Chapter 3

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I woke up this morning still a bit groggy. After my long day yesterday, my body would have preferred to stay in bed until the afternoon. Although, with me sharing a dorm with several other girls, getting up and readying themselves all at once wouldn't let me stay asleep. Following their lead in changing out of our pajamas and into our uniforms—I opted this time in wearing a white shirt, trousers, boots, and my new gloves—I walked over to my bedside table where two letters waited for me when I woke up. Picking up the one that I knew came from Father, I tore it open and read:

Dear Selene,

I heard about the dragon attack that happened on your way to Hogwarts. Are you all right? I heard a man accompanying you has died. My heart nearly gave out when I was told the news the day after by the Deputy Headmistress. Luckily you had Professor Fig with you to keep you safe. I hope no other incident like that will occur again. You're supposed to experience the wonders and fun challenges that Hogwarts has to give, just like my time as a student.

Now that you have made it to Hogwarts, you have to tell me everything. What house were you sorted into? Though, I do have a hunch. Have you enjoyed your classes? They aren't too difficult for you at that level is it? Did you make any new friends? I do hope you have.

The Deputy Headmistress has mentioned that because of the attack you had to visit Hogsmeade for new supplies. I know that you'll enjoy the small village immensely. I'll be sending over a weekly allowance to you just in case you need to stock up on school supplies, or you can treat yourself at Hogsmeade. Just don't spend most of it on sweets.

I'm missing you so much already, so send over frequent letters, alright?

With love,

Your father

Reading his letter began making me feel homesick. Besides occasionally staying over at my aunt's, this is the only time I've ever been away from home, and it's going to be a near year-long stay. How do a bunch of eleven year olds cope with this situation?

Wanting to reply to Father's letter quickly, I set up my stationary and began to write:

Dear Father,

I'm missing you a lot, too. Having my mind focused on the fact that I was finally going to Hogwarts made me not grasp that I would not see you every day. How did you deal with this feeling when you were only a kid?

And about the dragon attack, I'm fine, if not overly shook by the whole thing. Professor Fig managed to disapparate us from there quickly, but it was slow going traveling to Hogwarts afterwards. We did make it in the nick of time for me to get sorted into Slytherin, since you asked and are correct to assume. The common room is as majestic as you described it to be. I love it. I started my lessons with Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Ronen was an entertaining and creative Charms teacher. We basically played an outdoor game with Accio. Professor Hecat, I found to be a wise and inspiring woman. I ended up having my first duel, and I won. I have met and talked to a few people. They're really nice.

You are right; I loved Hogsmeade. A boy in my house named Sebastian, who was the one I beat in a duel, escorted and showed me around the village. It was so wonderful and magical. I even got to try butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks and the sweets in Honeydukes. Don't worry, I won't buy so many sweets.

I'll send frequent letters, I promise.

With love,

Your daughter

I debated in telling him about the troll attack and decided on leaving it out. I didn't want to worry him when I just had an episode with a dragon. And with Professor Fig and I keeping what happened afterwards and Ranrok on the down low, I didn't add that either. I folded the letter into an envelope and attached it to my barn owl that was perched beside my bed. I sent him away and opened up the other letter sent by Professor Fig. It was rather short, but to the point.

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