Chapter 18

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Author's Note: Super sorry this is posted nearly two days later than expected. I knew what this chapter was going to focus on but I had some writers block on how to even start the chapter. So, I decide to skip the beginning and jump to the focus and come back to the beginning later. With how long this ended up being, I could have just cut out the beginning, but I wanted to start with a tie in with what we left off in the previous chapter. And what I finally came up with, maybe you'll be glad I didn't cut it out so the chapter could start on the focus.


I couldn't stop thinking all week about how high the stakes have gotten since I've learned what Ranrok was up to. It was distracting me from my classes that I'm sure Sebastian has taken notice of my lack of focus, but so far hasn't said anything about it to me. I was glad he didn't ask thus far, when I didn't know how I was going to tell him what I learned without revealing how I got that knowledge. He couldn't know with whom I've been working with, but it still made me feel slightly guilty for not saying anything.

My head would continue to spiral with images of Ranrok with the drills poking everywhere to find that final repository. Any time now—minutes even—he would strike gold and find it, and we will all be in danger. All of this is resting on my shoulders because of my abilities. The Keepers laid out the journey to pass down the responsibility of the repository and I suspect they want me to continue safeguarding it. But how can I, when I haven't heard a word from them, so I can move forward? At the same time, I'm doubting myself on how a young girl like me just starting out in the magical world could even keep it safe from Ranrok.

I closed my book when I couldn't keep my focus on my homework after an hour in the library. Deciding that I wouldn't get anything done today, I packed up my stuff and left the library.

I walked back to the common room to drop off my bag, and before I left to find relaxation staring out the window, I spotted a new letter addressed to me on my bed. From the penmanship my name was written, I recognized it as Sebastian's. Flipping the open the envelope, I took out the letter from within.


I would like you to meet me at the Entrance Hall this evening. Don't worry about missing dinner, I have it covered. And come wearing winter attire.

See you soon,


I folded the note and put it back in the envelope.

What is he planning now?


"Why are we going to the Forbidden Forest again?" I asked. "You know the lake is frozen over if you wanted another swimming outing."

"You think I'm that crazy? If that's what I wanted, we'd be doing that in your beach vivarium. No, we're going to be doing something more seasonal appropriate."

We got to the same lake we'd been to that one time, and just as I said, it was frozen over. Sebastian put down his bag by a tree, then opened it to pull out a thick blanket for us to sit over the cold ground.

"Alright, sit," he commanded me.

Following along to his secret plan, I sat comfortably on the blanket with my legs stretching out in front of me. He kneeled by my feet and waved his wand at them. I was confused with what he was doing until my boots were transfigured to have blades at the bottom. Now I knew what was going on.

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