Chapter 26

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I was awake—at least I'm pretty sure. I was in a black void I'm sure that I was in for a while. Can't remember anything else but black—almost like I was in a dreamless sleep that I was finally waking up from. But it was still black. Sound was beginning to register, though it was minimal. There were repeated and even patterns of tip-taps. Sometimes shuffling, thuds, or clinking. I thought I also heard words like better, stay, and careful—everything else was mumblings to me. And the last thing I began to experience was throbbing everywhere. I could feel my limbs ache, and even if I wanted to, I couldn't move them. I knew I'd feel high discomfort if I did, just like when my leg falls asleep for a long time and moving it would feel torturous that I wouldn't move it an inch until the sensation fades. As for the rest of me, my chest kept giving me sharp pains whenever I breathed.

At least, a good feeling I was having was the softness and warmth coming from where my body was laying on. And then there was something enveloping my left hand. I dared to move a finger so I could feel what it was, and that caused a sharp breath and a quick shuffle to echo in my ears.

"Honey, are you awake?" That voice—I know it. "Move your finger again if you can hear me." I gave a tiny motion. He let out a short breathy laugh. "That's good. Now, can you open your eyes for me? Just a little bit?"

I tried to make my brain signal to my eyelids to open, but either they weren't getting the order, or my eyelids were like lead and were too heavy to open. The most I could do was make them twitch. I moaned softly in frustration.

"That's okay. Just try when you're able to. I'll still be waiting right here."

It wasn't a surprise that being in the dark too long had me go deeper into it without warning. I fell back into nothing.


I came back into awareness, still in the dark. Each of my senses came back in the same order as the last. This time I did feel a little different, stronger. My eyes did open slightly this time, but it was all a blur at first. When the focus adjusted, there wasn't much to see—almost like I was in another void, but a brighter, singular color of beige this time than just black. I've seen this ceiling, I knew this, but my tired brain would register it.

"Selene," I heard. It was that voice I remembered from before. Why was he here? He's supposed to be in London.

His face entered my field of vision, bringing in more color. He looked as restless as I felt. With his complexion, the purple bruises under his eyes were clear as day. Did he stay up for hours on a project again?

He placed a hand to my head, with his thumb rubbing my forehead back and forth. I resisted the urge to close my eyes again. He always did this when I was younger to help me fall asleep faster. He must have realized what he was doing and the effects it was having on me before he stopped.

I opened my mouth to speak, but my throat was so dry and itchy that I coughed. Father quickly went to the side and came back with a cup. Helping to lift my head up, he then placed the edge of the cup to my lips. Cold water entered my mouth, and I drank every bit of it to sooth my throat.

He put the cup on the side table. "Better?" I managed a single nod. "Good. Are you feeling any pain at all?"

"E-everywhere," I whispered.

"Hmm. Nurse Blainey figured you would be. Said to give this as soon as you woke up to at least help with that." He showed me the familiar green liquid in a vial. Just like with the water, he helped me drink the potion.

"I'm in the Hospital wing," I stated rather than questioned.

"You are," he confirmed. From the way he sat on his chair and his facial expression, he was holding something back.

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