Chapter 33

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It's gonna get steamier in here.


It was blazing red all around me. It was so hot that the feel of it was almost cold. There was barely any room for me to stand in without accidentally touching the flames. This was a different type of flame. I knew they weren't natural. I don't recall fire ever having black mixed into it.

Without any warning, a fireball was aimed in my direction. I screamed and crouched down to dodge it. It flew over me slightly and landed a few feet away from me. The wave of cold heat hit me when it landed behind me. My back being the one to take the brunt of the heat wave stung; I think my skin might blister. A loud roar erupted from within the flames. Looking up, a shiny metallic figure moved through the flames and out of sight. I couldn't place the figure, but I thought I saw a wing and a tail.

Suddenly, the creature flew out of the flames with its massive wings. The creature was made entirely out of metal as I thought and reptilian. A dragon—but not. It embodied the same glaring red and black as the flames. High as it went, it immediately dove down. It glowed brightly before it spewed a stream of lava fire right at me. It was not going to miss this time.

In my crouched position, I covered my head with my arms for protection, even when I knew that wasn't going to help in the slightest. The heat became unbearable as it neared that I let out a blood curling scream.

My eyes shot wide open to see no trace of red, no fire, but only blue water. Did I get transported under the water? body was hot, but damp all over.

"Selene," I heard. A hand then lightly caressed my face. With sleepy eyes, looked to the side a bit to see a worried Sebastian. "You alright now? You were having another nightmare," he whispered.

So, that's what it was. But why did it feel so real? My skin felt like it would melt. "Hot," I croaked in grogginess. "So hot. Fire...burning." I was now muttering like crazy. It was too hot that my discomfort was about to make me break down.

His hand then traveled to my sweaty forehead, removing pieces of my hair attached to it by the moisture. "It's alright, I'll take you somewhere to cool off." He got out from under the covers and got his arms under my body to pick me up. When he got us out of the bedroom, he then made a turn to the right upstairs. Seeing the coastal vivarium entrance at the top of the steps, I knew he was planning on taking me there.

Walking through the doors, the full moon hanging in the night sky was clearly visible. With it still being the middle of the night, the only thing I heard was the waves. All my creatures should be sleeping in nearby caves. The salty breeze was soothing as I breathed it in, almost putting me back to sleep if it wasn't for the constant heat.

Sebastian walked right into the water until it reached his thigh. Gently, he lowered us into the cool water that helped relieve the burn. I thought the water would be freezing at this time, but since this place is only an intimidation of the real thing, the temperature of the water is never too cold.

We sat in the water quietly, with him rubbing my back in comfort as I sat on his lap. Finally, the heat was subsiding. Still, I remembered the unbearable heat from my dream, like I was being burned alive and it carried to this side. When I closed my eyes, I saw that metallic dragon wanting to engulf me in the boiling fire. I couldn't even move from my spot without getting licked from the fire surrounding me.

I groaned in distress and pressed my face against Sebastian's chest while wrapping my arms around him.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asked.

"So much fire. It wouldn't stop touching me," I said.

"There's no more fire here. We're right here in this nice and cold water."

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